Remote Desktop Server

From Alpine Linux

Remote Desktop Server Based on XRDP and xorgxrdp

This was tested and works for v 3.17.2 with Xfce as the desktop.

First ensure the desktop is working without remote access (if feasible)

Install XRDP and xorgxrdp

# apk add xrdp xorgxrdp

Start the necessary services:

# rc-service xrdp start # rc-service xrdp-sesman start

After testing this works you may set the services to start automatically:

# rc-update add xrdp # rc-update add xrdp-sesman

That should be all that is needed to connect from a Windows client with its default "Remote Desktop" client, the xrdp configuration file though will contain several services that will not work, so to remove them edit /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini and remove all lines from and including from [Xvnc] to the end.

Note: If you are using KDE, please add the following link so that there is no screen after logging in "ln -s /usr/bin/startplasma-x11 ~/.xinitrc"

# ln -s /usr/bin/startplasma-x11 ~/.xinitrc

Remote Desktop Server based on Vino and XRDP

THIS DOES NOT WORK on 3.17.2 with Xfce Not Yet Deleted Yet in Case it helps others

First of all make sure you have a Desktop environment properly installed (See: Desktop environments and Window managers)

Next, install Vino and XRDP with the following command:

# apk add vino@community xrdp

Replace the file /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini content with:

Contents of /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini

[globals] bitmap_cache=yes bitmap_compression=yes port=3389 crypt_level=low channel_code=1 max_bpp=24 [xrdp1] name=Vino ip= port=5900 username=ask password=ask

If you want the XRDP service starts automatically, add the services to the default runlevel:

# rc-update add xrdp # rc-update add xrdp-sesman # rc-update add vino

To start:

# rc-service xrdp start # rc-service xrdp-sesman start # rc-service vino start

Remmina as client

This material is work-in-progress ...

Do not follow instructions here until this notice is removed.
(Last edited by Herman on 11 Nov 2024.)


Disabling XRDP Notification and Confirmation

If you do not want the client confirmation before the session being accepted:

export DISPLAY=:0.0

gsettings set org.gnome.Vino notify-on-connect false gsettings set org.gnome.Vino prompt-enabled false