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4 January 2025

     18:40 User creation log User account EnriquetaSchuber talk contribs was created ‎
     08:00  Greetd‎‎ 3 changes history −285 [Prabuanand‎ (3×)]
08:00 (cur | prev) −81 Prabuanand talk contribs (removed extra configuration not relevant here)
07:56 (cur | prev) −1 Prabuanand talk contribs (fixed wiki formatting)
07:54 (cur | prev) −203 Prabuanand talk contribs (redone the page to make navigation easier)

2 January 2025

     12:23  (User creation log) [Pawaris2732‎; DaltonVallejo‎; CodeingPadawan‎]
12:23 User account Pawaris2732 talk contribs was created ‎
10:13 User account DaltonVallejo talk contribs was created ‎
01:51 User account CodeingPadawan talk contribs was created ‎
     11:11  Grommunio Mail Server diffhist +10 Midas talk contribs

1 January 2025

     06:41 User creation log User account Jeams talk contribs was created ‎

31 December 2024

     17:53  How to setup a Alpine Linux mirror diffhist +18 Nrenniewaldock talk contribs (→‎Introduction: Update and add v3.21)
     16:34 User creation log User account Alicia talk contribs was created ‎
N    01:34  GVisor‎‎ 2 changes history +1,161 [Pursuable1652‎ (2×)]
01:34 (cur | prev) +137 Pursuable1652 talk contribs
01:30 (cur | prev) +1,024 Pursuable1652 talk contribs (Created page with "== What is gVisor? == It is a kernel syscall implementation in the language Go. It helps isolate the kernel from the container. == How to implement gVisor == Run instructions on here: [] {{cmd| <nowiki>( set -e ARCH=$(uname -m) URL=${ARCH} wget ${URL}/runsc ${URL}/runsc.sha512 \ ${URL}/containerd-shim-runsc-v1...")
 m   01:31  User:Pursuable1652 diffhist +43 Pursuable1652 talk contribs

30 December 2024

     18:13  (User creation log) [Teiha‎; FlorrieZinnbauer‎; Coopa‎; Ardvan‎]
18:13 User account Ardvan talk contribs was created ‎
16:23 User account Coopa talk contribs was created ‎
13:42 User account Teiha talk contribs was created ‎
11:46 User account FlorrieZinnbauer talk contribs was created ‎
     16:51  MariaDB‎‎ 8 changes history +281 [Coopa‎ (8×)]
16:51 (cur | prev) −34 Coopa talk contribs (→‎Create a user)
16:48 (cur | prev) −5 Coopa talk contribs (→‎Create a user)
16:48 (cur | prev) +2 Coopa talk contribs (→‎Create a user)
16:47 (cur | prev) +349 Coopa talk contribs
16:31 (cur | prev) −1 Coopa talk contribs (→‎Initialization)
16:30 (cur | prev) +44 Coopa talk contribs (→‎Initialization)
16:26 (cur | prev) −78 Coopa talk contribs (→‎Initialization)
16:24 (cur | prev) +4 Coopa talk contribs (→‎Installation)
     15:11  UEFI‎‎ 3 changes history −4,851 [Prabuanand‎ (3×)]
15:11 (cur | prev) −4,492 Prabuanand talk contribs (removed outdated information, reduced redundant information added links to see also section)
06:45 (cur | prev) 0 Prabuanand talk contribs (fixed case)
04:50 (cur | prev) −359 Prabuanand talk contribs (Commented out most of the obsolete content and organised headings and content)
 m   14:16  How to make a custom ISO image with mkimage diffhist −15 Teiha talk contribs (→‎Prerequisites: no need for duplicate line in doas.conf)
     10:21  Setting up a new user‎‎ 3 changes history +607 [Prabuanand‎ (3×)]
10:21 (cur | prev) 0 Prabuanand talk contribs (fixed caps)
10:15 (cur | prev) −41 Prabuanand talk contribs (fixed typos and removed space)
10:03 (cur | prev) +648 Prabuanand talk contribs (Changed heading levels, reworded to add clarity, fixed links and added category)
     09:02  Bootloaders‎‎ 3 changes history +2,157 [Prabuanand‎ (3×)]
09:02 (cur | prev) +694 Prabuanand talk contribs (removed words to add clarity and added more example from
05:33 (cur | prev) +139 Prabuanand talk contribs (added note about busybox blkid)
05:21 (cur | prev) +1,324 Prabuanand talk contribs (Info added based on content provided by reddit user u/Xerotras in
 m   06:46  Installation diffhist −26 Prabuanand talk contribs (fixed link as UEFI page has been changed)
 m   03:40  Create UEFI secureboot USB diffhist −26 Prabuanand talk contribs (removed the link to Create UEFI boot USB‎ page)
     03:36  Create UEFI boot USB diffhist −41 Prabuanand talk contribs (Added obsolete notice and removed the categories so that this page does not get listed)
     03:24  Talk:UEFI diffhist +223 Prabuanand talk contribs (update about moving the page to UEFI)
     03:22  (Move log) [Prabuanand‎ (2×)]
03:22 Prabuanand talk contribs moved page Talk:Alpine and UEFI to Talk:UEFI(the comment by Sertonix (talk) 20:13, 25 August 2023 (UTC) makes proper sense)
03:22 Prabuanand talk contribs moved page Alpine and UEFI to UEFI(the comment by Sertonix (talk) 20:13, 25 August 2023 (UTC) makes proper sense)
 m   01:16  User:Pursuable1652 diffhist +111 Pursuable1652 talk contribs
 m   01:14  CPU Microcode diffhist +190 Pursuable1652 talk contribs
 m   01:02  Clevis‎‎ 6 changes history +817 [Pursuable1652‎ (6×)]
01:02 (cur | prev) +67 Pursuable1652 talk contribs
01:02 (cur | prev) +118 Pursuable1652 talk contribs
01:00 (cur | prev) +180 Pursuable1652 talk contribs
00:59 (cur | prev) +114 Pursuable1652 talk contribs
00:58 (cur | prev) +116 Pursuable1652 talk contribs
00:55 (cur | prev) +222 Pursuable1652 talk contribs