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Show new changes starting from 15:56, 13 September 2024
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13 September 2024

     15:51  MDNS diffhist +815 Vixalien talk contribs (Add setup instructions for NetworkManager and dnsmasq)
 m   03:59  ZFS scrub and trim diffhist −1 Prabuanand talk contribs (fixed category name)
 m   03:59  Immutable root with atomic upgrades diffhist −1 Prabuanand talk contribs (fixed category name)
 m   03:58  Setting up ZFS with native encryption diffhist −1 Prabuanand talk contribs (fixed category name)
 m   03:58  F2FS diffhist −1 Prabuanand talk contribs (fixed category name)
 m   03:57  Btrfs diffhist −1 Prabuanand talk contribs (fixed category name)

12 September 2024

     18:44  Installation‎‎ 9 changes history −678 [Prabuanand‎ (9×)]
18:44 (cur | prev) −30 Prabuanand talk contribs (→‎System Disk mode Install)
17:59 (cur | prev) −16 Prabuanand talk contribs (→‎Custom partitioning of the harddisk)
17:58 (cur | prev) +49 Prabuanand talk contribs (clarified on "System disk" mode install)
10:53 (cur | prev) +296 Prabuanand talk contribs (Added reference to RAID, LVM and Encryption in Alternate course section)
10:37 (cur | prev) −3,357 Prabuanand talk contribs (Refactored the page specifically the three disk modes)
07:23 (cur | prev) +1 Prabuanand talk contribs (rephrased the warning and other sentences to add clarity)
06:39 (cur | prev) +8 Prabuanand talk contribs (rephrased the sentence to add clarity)
06:29 (cur | prev) +26 Prabuanand talk contribs (rephrased sentence to add clarity)
06:26 (cur | prev) +2,345 Prabuanand talk contribs (rephrased some sentences. Refactored Verifyind downloaded image section)
     17:51  Setting up disks manually‎‎ 12 changes history +7,502 [Prabuanand‎ (12×)]
17:51 (cur | prev) −1 Prabuanand talk contribs (→‎Resizing an existing partitions)
17:13 (cur | prev) +180 Prabuanand talk contribs (→‎Manual partitioning)
17:04 (cur | prev) +145 Prabuanand talk contribs (cleaned up the headings to make it easier to find information)
16:35 (cur | prev) −7 Prabuanand talk contribs (→‎Traditional Hard Disk Installation)
16:34 (cur | prev) +91 Prabuanand talk contribs (→‎System Disk mode Installation)
16:04 (cur | prev) +264 Prabuanand talk contribs (→‎System Disk mode Installation)
15:54 (cur | prev) 0 Prabuanand talk contribs (→‎System disk mode Installation)
15:53 (cur | prev) +690 Prabuanand talk contribs (added reference to filesystem page for formatting)
13:59 (cur | prev) +20 Prabuanand talk contribs (→‎For "diskless" and "data" disk mode installs: fixed heading)
13:59 (cur | prev) +1 Prabuanand talk contribs (→‎For "sys" disk mode installs: fixed heading)
12:21 (cur | prev) +1,075 Prabuanand talk contribs (rarranged and fixed headlines added -m sys option)
08:53 (cur | prev) +5,044 Prabuanand talk contribs (Moved the three Alpine Linux disk modes to this page)
     17:48  Dualbooting diffhist +666 Prabuanand talk contribs (Refactored the code by referring to other wiki pages)
     15:14  Filesystems‎‎ 2 changes history +749 [Prabuanand‎ (2×)]
15:14 (cur | prev) +362 Prabuanand talk contribs (→‎Formatting Partitions)
15:00 (cur | prev) +387 Prabuanand talk contribs (cleaned up the page with headings and referenes)
     02:32 User creation log User account DebbraHay42597 talk contribs was created ‎

11 September 2024

N    20:24  Release Notes for Alpine 3.21.0‎‎ 2 changes history +206 [Fossdd‎ (2×)]
20:24 (cur | prev) +3 Fossdd talk contribs (fix header)
20:24 (cur | prev) +203 Fossdd talk contribs (add page and add jellyfin)
     19:07  (User creation log) [Sergey28-beep‎; Ronniegarrison82‎]
19:07 User account Ronniegarrison82 talk contribs was created ‎
03:06 User account Sergey28-beep talk contribs was created ‎
     13:45  Desktop environments and Window managers‎‎ 3 changes history +528 [Prabuanand‎ (3×)]
13:45 (cur | prev) +15 Prabuanand talk contribs (→‎Stacking window managers: added Fluxbox)
06:58 (cur | prev) +81 Prabuanand talk contribs (added reference to acf)
06:46 (cur | prev) +432 Prabuanand talk contribs (refactored the page,removed quickstart, added pkg links, added hyprland)
     09:20  Sway diffhist −43 Prabuanand talk contribs (refactored page related to greetd, removed quickstart reference)
     08:59  Greetd diffhist +621 Prabuanand talk contribs (moved greetd content from sway to greetd. fixed wiki tags)
     06:58  Daily driver guide diffhist −20 Prabuanand talk contribs (replaced quickstart by setup-desktop)
     05:58  Setup-desktop diffhist −67 Prabuanand talk contribs (removed the word quickstart)
     05:55  Include:Setup-desktop‎‎ 2 changes history −270 [Prabuanand‎ (2×)]
05:55 (cur | prev) −153 Prabuanand talk contribs (fixed few sentences)
05:37 (cur | prev) −117 Prabuanand talk contribs (Instead of the word Quickstart will use setup-desktop for consistency)

10 September 2024

     21:42  (User creation log) [Retardedpetergriffinpostlife‎; IvanJenkins‎; Christoh‎]
21:42 User account Christoh talk contribs was created ‎
20:41 User account Retardedpetergriffinpostlife talk contribs was created ‎
19:43 User account IvanJenkins talk contribs was created ‎

9 September 2024

     09:18  User talk:Prabuanand‎‎ 2 changes history −3,616 [Prabuanand‎ (2×)]
09:18 (cur | prev) −3,634 Prabuanand talk contribs (Blanked the page) Tag: Blanking
09:18 (cur | prev) +18 Prabuanand talk contribs (→‎Test: new section)
     09:17  User:Prabuanand diffhist −16,609 Prabuanand talk contribs (Blanked the page) Tag: Blanking