Graphics driver
Many desktop environments need a graphics driver to work properly. Install Mesa drivers for all graphics cards before installing a desktop. Mesa-gallium is an open-source OpenGL implementation that supports a variety of hardware and software drivers, including Intel, AMD, NVIDIA, and more.
- mesa-dri-gallium: Mesa drivers for all Graphics cards.
- mesa-va-gallium: Mesa vaapi drivers for all video decoding acceleration.
Graphics cards of recent vintage need a driver to work. Install additional graphics drivers from the below depending on your hardware. If you are unsure about your graphics card, use lspci
from pciutils package to identify the graphics card:
lspci -k | grep -EA3 "VGA|3D|Display"
Then, install an appropriate driver.
- For Intel video chipsets, see Intel Video
- For AMD Radeon Chipsets, see Radeon Video
- For Nvidia Chipsets, see Nvidia Video
For details on legacy Xorg drivers refer Xorg page.