Desktop environments and Window managers

From Alpine Linux
Revision as of 17:01, 7 December 2021 by Guest09248 (talk | contribs)

Alpine Linux has no official desktop. Older versions used Xfce4, but now, all GUI and graphical interfaces are community contributed. Environments such as LXDE, Mate, etc are available, but are not fully supported due to some dependencies.

Desktop environments

  1. XFCE Setup
  2. LXDE
  3. Alpine LXQT Desktop Environment
  4. KDE
  5. Gnome
  6. MATE

Stacking window managers

  1. Alpine Newbies Openbox Window Manager

Tiling window manager

  1. Dwm
  1. Awesome Window Manager

Desktop emulation and gaming

Alpine is capable of providing a good platform to play games and enjoy:

Tutorial series

Previous required What's next to read
Alpine newbie apk packages Alpine Newbies: Xorg and Openbox

See Also