From Alpine Linux
Revision as of 15:57, 14 August 2023 by Zcrayfish (talk | contribs) (Removed RfD.)
Warning: The SLiM project appears to have been abandoned since 2013, although the project homepage is online. Also:

SLiM is a Simple Login Manager (also known as a display manager) which is lightweight and simple to configure.


Simply add the slim package with:

apk add slim

I should imagine you'd also want some kind of desktop installed too, like Gnome or XFCE

Configure & Test

The SLiM configuration file is at /etc/slim.conf and it is heavily commented, so I'll not add any info about it here unless asked to (in the discussion function for instance). Before making any changes it is recommended to backup the default configuration file with:

cp /etc/slim.conf /etc/slim.conf.original

Then you can modify /etc/slim.conf and easily copy the default configuration back if you run into trouble:

cp /etc/slim.conf.original /etc/slim.conf

To immediately test slim, do

rc-service slim start

and you should be presented with a login screen, branded for Alpine linux!

Login with your normal user credentials (avoid using a desktop as root) and you should reach your desktop.

Once you've tested it works, start SLiM at the default runlevel:

rc-update add slim

Note: You should disable any other display manager you have running to prevent them both launching. For example, to prevent lxdm from starting at boot use:

rc-update del lxdm

Extra Login Commands

When on the SLiM login screen, you can use:

  • exit as a username to return to a shell prompt
  • reboot as a username and the root password to reboot the machine
  • halt as a username and the root password to power down the machine


If you are using a .xinitrc file (usually located at ~/.xinitrc, slim will read from this and you will need to ensure you have a line to execute your desktop environment. This is usually the last line of the file. For example:

exec startxfce4

if you are using an Xfce, or:

exec gnome-session

if using Gnome.

If you don't do this, or you make a mistake with your typing, you'll probably get an error like failed to execute login command


Simply add the slim-theme package with:

apk add slim-themes

All theme which are available on your system are located at /usr/share/slim/themes

ls /usr/share/slim/themes

You need to modify /etc/slim.conf to change the theme:

sudo vi /etc/slim.conf

Search for current_theme and choose one of the available themes.

Further Information