User talk:Jch/consul
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This page is currently my experimental log about consul on AL.
Downloaded package: consul-0.5.0-r0.apk from
Now in repo edge/testing
We will experiment to find the right spec to allocate the consul servers for 100 to 1000 agents. For now, we have a 52 nodes cluster.
We plan to orchestrate our VM fleet based on consul events, envconsul and consul-template. All with ash scripts and smart setup.
We combine our PXE servers and the consul ones to inherit from the consul resilence (consul leader) to offer high-availability (HA) (but still in ram only) to the PXE service.
We will just focus on the consul installation and configuration parts.
apk add consul@testing
Web UI
One need to download and unpack in some directory.
The contents of this zip file is a index.html with some js and css files in a subdirectory
Archive: creating: dist/ inflating: dist/.gitkeep inflating: dist/index.html creating: dist/static/ inflating: dist/static/application.min.js inflating: dist/static/base.css inflating: dist/static/ inflating: dist/static/bootstrap.min.css inflating: dist/static/consul-logo.png inflating: dist/static/favicon.png inflating: dist/static/loading-cylon-purple.svg
Tu use it, one has to specify "-ui-dir /path/to/ui" in /etc/conf.d/consul.
The UI is available at the /ui path on the same port as the HTTP API. By default this is http://localhost:8500/ui.
Consul v0.5.0
Consul Protocol: 2 (Understands back to: 1)
By default, there are 4 files in /etc/consul
acl.json.sample encrypt.json.sample server.json tls.json.sample
Consul Server
the default consul is for a stand alone server...
It is important to bootstrap the cluster properly before starting agents otherwise agents will never find the consul leader!
DNSmasq with consul
NIC="eth0" # PXEserver NIC="lan" # generic machine apk add dnsmasq rc-update add dnsmasq mkdir -p /etc/dnsmasq.d echo "server=/consul/" > /etc/dnsmasq.d/10-consul echo <<EOF > /etc/conf.d/dnsmasq MASQ_OPTS="--user=dnsmasq --group=dnsmasq --interface=${NIC} --conf-dir=/etc/dnsmasq.d" EOF rc-service dnsmasq start DNS1=resolver.service.consul # need an IP here, not a fqdn... DNS1=resolver.service.consul # should be different due to round-robin echo "resolv-file=/etc/resolv.dnsmasq" > /etc/dnsmasq.d/20-resolv echo "nameserver ${DNS1}" > /etc/resolv.dnsmasq echo "nameserver ${DNS2}" >> /etc/resolv.dnsmasq rc-service dnsmasq restart
Consul Agent
We need to lauch the consul service after being able to read the IP address of the PXEserver involved.
This particuliar address will be used to join the consul cluster as agent.
Whenever possible, a service will be referenced by its name (like collectd.service.consul for the collectd server).
Consul agent and dnsmasq are the 2 first services to be started on each machine.
This is now included in our generic default apkovl for PXE boot and in our LXC creation custom-made script..
If an agent (or server) has several private IP addresses, one has to specify the address to be used in /etc/conf.d/consul (with -bind=<IP>). That address has to be reachable by all consul members!
Securing consul
We will follow coredumb recommandations as on and based on sample config provided in the package.
With gossip encryption, we observe some flapping in the presence of nodes...
Be sure to have proxt http disabled if you want to use curl against localhost...
Machines discovery
List machines =
consul members
curl localhost:8500/v1/catalog/nodes
Services discovery
Register service =
echo '{"service": {"name": "pxe"}}' > /etc/consul/pxe.json ; consul reload
List services :
curl http://localhost:8500/v1/agent/services : Returns the services the local agent is managing curl http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/services : Lists services in a given DC curl http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/service/<service> : Lists the nodes in a given service curl http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/node/<node> : Lists the services provided by a node
For instance:
http_proxy= curl http://localhost:8500/v1/catalog/services?pretty
What if ?
What if I register a service service1 with tag tag1 on node node1,
then I register a service service1 with tag tag2 on node2.
then I register a service service1 with tag tag3 on node1?
will the tags just add?
NO, the lastest registration overwrite previous one.
I plan to advertize available NBD with {"service": "nbd", "tags": ["<name>"]} ans access it with nbd:name.nbd.service.consul:name.
but before that, need to use new nbd format with nammes on an unique port instead of differentiation by port (old scheme)
Is there a clean way to dynamically add a tag to a service on a given consul node without losing existing tags ?
Key/Value storage
curl -X PUT -d 'value' http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/path/to/key
curl http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/path/to/key
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/path/to/key?recurse
need a standard function to convert from json to ash and vice-versa...
Define event
Watch event
Open questions
- How to know (from any node in the cluster) which is the active leader?
- an alternative is to define an applicative leader as in
I tried to build a package for it but without success till now...