User talk:Jch/Building a complete infrastucture with AL
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Open Issues
- ceph (for transparent redundant storage)
- xnbd (for nbd-proxies and live-migration)
- consul (for fleet orchestration)
- envconsul (for centralized ENV variables)
- consul-template (for automatic services configuration)
- mount NFS share in LXC (for middelware load-balancing)
- x2go server in full desktop mode (for product activation)
Solved Issues
- bootstrap
- diskless
- raid
- data
- sys
- manual introspection
State of the project
We already are able to
- network
- lan
- wan
- storage
- ipmi
- vpn
- storage
- Network Block Device (NBD)
- provision
- destroy
- Network Block Device (NBD)
- compute
- prepare (raid, PXE, SAN, data, sys, diskless)
- start
- stop
- kill
- status
- destroy
- create
- start
- stop
- kill
- status
- destroy
- orchestration
- not in production yet, will be based on consul and envconsul
- monitoring
- stats collection
- health checks not in production yet, will be based on consul
To spinup a new basic KVM takes about 10 seconds.
Building a complete infrastucture with AL
I'm doing it. It's for real! That's my daily job at present ^^
I'm building a full private cloud bootstraped with only an AlpineLinux USB key for each physical machine. But next ones will be able to boot from network; not even USB keys will be needed. As a matter of fact, we used more than only one physical USB key because we didn't started from scratch but had a live migration from Debian to Alpine for most of the services and machines...
If there is some feed-back, I may develop config files and so on ;)
As I started from scratch and OpenVSwitch was not available in Alpine at that time yet, It took me a while to build everything.
But to reproduce it, it would be piece of cake!
NFS was not available neither.
And NBD just entered testing stge.
Consul is the new addition to the big picture and it's amazing! We are waiting for it to be included in the distro (see Open Issues).
We use qemu-kvm for KVM. But I guess one may use whatever Virtual Machine technology one likes.
This is the presentation of a use case. Not a HOW TO. And it's still a work in progess...
We put a dedicated physical machine on each link between our LAN and other networks. It just run iptables and some paquets accounting metrology.
Physical machine connected to our LAN and other networks (trough a firewall). A static routing table do the trick.
All physical machines run OpenVSwitch reproducing virtually all physical switches we have plus some virtuals only.
All physical machines run openVPN as client to as many switch defined less the physical interfaces of the machine. There is an openVPN server somewhere running in a KVM connected to needed switches.
On each physical machine, a couple of HDD are mounted in raid1 witch mdadm. This raid array is passed as parameter to a KVM who in turn mount it as physical volume for LVM. The created LV are published as NBD with xnbd-server. For the time being, this KVM is running debian 7.8 as xnbd is not in Alpine (yet?)..
The SAN also connects to the CEPH cluster as client and publish reached RBD as NBD with xnbd-server. For the time being, this KVM is running debian 7.8 as no xnbd nor RBD are in Alpine (yet?)..
Some KVM is mounting some NBD as local drives and publishing some directories as NFS shares.
We now have nfs and nbd in AL.
KVM with physical HDD as parameters are used for building OSD and MON needed to operate a CEPH cluster. One KVM is the "console" to drive it from a single point of presence (usefull but not "needed").For the time being, those KVM are running debian 7.8 as CEPH and RBD are not in Alpine (yet?)..
Low-level services
No service at all is running in the AL on bare metal. All are running is some KVM connected to needed switches by the means of the OpenVSwitches.
on every machine, consul from
on every machine, from repo pointing to the local consul instance to resolve .consul names and regular resolvers otherwise.
dhcpd from repo.
We just have to configure it properly.
We have to test if dhcpd may run in a LXC instead of a KVM?
tinydns from repo with split-dns config as master DNS.
2 dnscache from repo as resolver on the lan.
Those KVM does know a gateway to the Internet.
kernel and initrd files in tftp server.
copy of usb content (or nothing) in nfs server.
apkovl and modloop files in darkhttpd server.
Time server
The PXEserver uses ntpd (or similar) from repo, to act as client to the WAN and server to the LAN.
With syslog-ng from repo, we receive the logs from all machines be it physical or virtual.
It's the only place who needs logrotate from repo.
HTTP proxy/cache
The web proxy/cache squid, from repo, uses a NBD as cache. It has a link to the internet to forward requests and one to the LAN.
Because of him, no machine, as they are all connected to the LAN, be it physical or virtual, needs a published default gateway. And all machines are able to install/upgrade packages or to see the WWW as client.
We point all AL boxes to this KVM with setup-proxy. As we have a repo.service.consul on the LAN, we do not use setup-proxy anymore...
shinken from sources in some LXC with barely only the python package installed
smokeping from repo to monitor connectivity to remote locations.
Collectd (one LXC as server as collectd.service.consul, all other machines, be it physical or virtual, as client) with collectd-network from repo.
A couple of lines in CGP config file is enough for now.
with common tools: rsync, tar, netcat, bzip2, openssh, cron, dd
openldap with openldap-back-hdb, both from repo published as ldap.service.consul.
with mariaDB from repo published as mariadb.service.consul.
High-level services
in LXC AL whenever possible.
in LXC Debian as second choice
in KVM otherwise.
I did package nx-libs and x2goserver. I'm waiting for the packages to be included in edge/testing. They are already being used for single app access. Next step is full desktop but we are not sure if AL is the right choice for full desktop usage for our customers...
unfortunately, x2goclient pops up "kex error : did not find one of algos diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 in list,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 for kex algos" need to specify diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 in sshd_config. Luckyly a fix exists and my business partner is looking after a way to enhance it's security upstream.
with ejabberd from edge/testing repo. I migrate the mnesia DB from an old debian squeeze just copying the files and changing ownership in a LXC-AL. I just had to disable mod_pubsub to have it run properly. Authentification is done with openLDAP. I now plan to migrate a very very old jabberd (11 years I guess) running on a debian etch to it if I find a way to keep users's password and rosters... I also would like to use it as a gateway to IRC to follow #alpine, #alpine-devel and #x2go channels ;) Some other ejabberd features are interesting to my organisation and we will experiment more in depth, namely mod_sip, mod_stun, mod_proxy65...
in a brand new LXC with edge/main and edge/testing repos
mostly following Redmine page
I use a mariaDB server on another host where I did create the user and pushed the sqldump from a running redmine 3.0.0 instance
apk update apk upgrade reboot setup-timezone apk add redmine apk add ruby-unicorn cp /etc/unicorn/redmine.conf.rb.sample /etc/unicorn/redmine.conf.rb vi /etc/conf.d/unicorn vi /etc/redmine/database.yml apk add sudo apk add ruby-mysql2 apk add ruby-yard apk add tzdata cd /usr/share/webapps/redmine sudo -u redmine rake generate_secret_token sudo -u redmine RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
LDAP - opeldap from repo
SMTP in - postfix-ldap from repo
Antispam - spamassassin from repo
Antivirus - clamav from repo
SMTP store - postfix-ldap from repo
mail NAS - nfsutils from repo
IMAP - dovecot-ldap from repo
SMTP relay - emailrelay from source
SMTP out - postfix from repo
Webmail - squirrelmail from source
Front-end - nginx
Back-end static - darkhttpd
Back-end dynamic - php-fpm
File server - nfs, sftp (based on ssh-ldap)
After bootstrap, a running cluster (or cloud) will have 3 (or 5) KVM-PXE acting as consul servers.
The consul leader being the active PXE server, others being hot spares kept in sync with the active one.
Those KVM-PXE are booted from PXE, running from RAM with no tie left to the initial machine.
Consul is in charge of maintening an active PXE server wich is just a hook to the leader election process.
If a machine detect it has physical drives, it assembles a raid array and starts a KVM-SAN based on that array.
If a machine detect it has virtual drive and is a SAN, it prepare a LVM2 volume and hooks the creation of LV to there export as NBD publication.<br/
If a machine detect it has virtuel drive ans is not a SAN, it mount the drive as /var (alpine in data mode).
If a machine does'nt detect ant drive, it starts diskless (alpine in run-from-ram mode).
At first run, each machine register herself in both consul and the PXE server.
Then reboot. At this stage the machine, be it physical or virtual, is uniquely identified both in the catalogue and in the PXE boot process.
One of the first service build atop the now available infrastructure, are KVM-NAS to share file systems and not only block devices.
Consul fournit le framework pour disposer des données de décision d'élasticité des services exposés par le cluster.
HAproxy est omniprésent pour permettre l'élasticité d'un service.
Consul permettant la reconfiguration dynamique des HAproxies.