
From Alpine Linux

This page contains details about the process of specifying the licenses of the packages. This includes that the APKBUILD file gets an update if needed or the package an upgrade to the latest release. If you make any changes to an APKBUILD file, please bump the pkgrel.

Package list per letter

Packages Status main Status testing Details
a done done main/acf-* not checked
b done - -
c done - -
d - - -
e - done -
f - done -
g - - -
h done - -
i done done icedtea-web doesn't build
j - done -
k done - -
l - - -
m - - -
n - - -
o - - -
p - - -
q - - -
r - - -
s - - -
t - - -
u done - -
v done - -
w done - -
x - done -
y done done -
z done done -


Not building, dead upstream, etc.

  • main/imagination
  • main/ipusadmin
  • main/zabbix
  • boost
  • main/vde2
  • testing/fetch_crl
  • testing/freealut
  • testing/freeciv