Upgrading Alpine - CD v1.8.x

From Alpine Linux
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Alpine that runs from CD

This document applies to alpine which is burnt/booted from CD.

All examples/instructions/actions mentioned in this document should be executed on the box that you are planning to upgrade (unless you are instructed otherwise).

Download a new alpine release

Note: This document does not describe how you download and burning a CD by using alpine.
We assume that you download/burn the 'iso' file on a separate computer that has a CD-burner and software that can burn ISO-files.

Start downloading a new '.iso' and a '.sha1' file

wget -c http://dl-3.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v1.8/iso/alpine-1.8.3-i386.iso wget http://dev.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v1.8/iso/alpine-1.8.3-i386.iso.sha1

Check integrity of the downloaded files

sha1sum -c alpine-1.8.3-i386.iso.sha1

The output of the above command should say 'OK'.
If says 'FAILED', delete the tar.gz file and download it again.

Burn the 'iso' file to a empty CD and label it 'alpine-1.8.3-i386.iso'
Note: Burning a 'iso' file is not done the same way as you would do when burning .jpg or other files to a CD!

Note: Continue working on the box that you are upgrading

Setup environment variables

To make the documentation a bit more "generic" we start by setting some environment variables.

vi /etc/lbu/lbu.conf

Make sure that the variable LBU_MEDIA is not commented (by removing the leading '#').

You also need to set a appropriate value for your LBU_MEDIA. The media you choose will be the media where you store your settings/configuration.

Note: Even if you have you alpine installed on CF, HD or USB you can still choose to save your config on some other media that suits your needs. But remember that both the media where you have your Alpine system AND the media where you have your config need to be in your box when booting it.





Now that you have your /etc/lbu/lbu.conf configured for your needs, we will set the environment variables (note the leading .).

. /etc/lbu/lbu.conf

You can test if your environment variable was set:


It should output something like usb, sda1, or whatever you just configured.

Back up your config

Before starting to upgrade, it's wise to save your configuration.

lbu ci

Replace CD

1. Unmount the old CD.

rc-service modloop stop

1. Eject, remove old CD, insert the new CD that you labeled 'alpine-1.8.3-i386.iso', close the CD-tray.


1. Mount the new CD

rc-service modloop start

Execute upgrade script

The new media has a 'upgrade' script found on root level on media. This 'upgrade' script needs to be executed and walked through.


You will be informed about various changes and you will be able to choose if you want to keep your old config-files or if you want to use a new.
Each setup is different, so it's hard to say what needs to be upgraded and what should be kept.

When the new media holds a updated version of configfile, you will be prompted with something that looks like this:

Quit, Next, Show diff, Edit new, Zap new, Use new (q/n/s/e/z/u) [s]:

If you choose to 'Edit new' you will use the 'vi' editor.
A short note on how you use that editor:

  • i = Enter "insert" mode so you can edit the content
  • [esc] = Enter CMD-mode where you can chose to save/quit
    • CMD-mode has these options
      • :w = Write your changes
      • :q = Quit editor
      • :q! = Force quit even if you have changes that is still not saved

Save changes

Now that all upgrades are done, we should save our settings to our media (which you hopefully have backed up).

lbu ci


In most cases you will need to reboot Alpine (specially if there are changes in the kernel):


Note: If you know what you are doing, you might not need to reboot.
But make sure that all services affected by the upgrade are restarted.