
From Alpine Linux

This page documents the working of default DHCP client udhcpc from Busybox.


The default DHCP client udhcpc from busybox gets invoked by the networking scripts /sbin/ifup and /sbin/ifdown when "dhcp" is added to the interface name in the file /etc/network/interfaces.

The default behavior of udhcpc is driven by the script /usr/share/udhcpc/default.script

Entries in /etc/network/interfaces for DHCP interfaces will drive the udhcpc command line. For example:

Contents of /etc/network/interfaces

auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp hostname myhostname

will set these parameters on the command line:

udhcpc -i eth0 -x hostname:myhostname

The hostname will send the DHCP option to the server to tell the server the name of this client.

You can add arbitrary command line parameters to the udhcpc_opts setting in /etc/network/interfaces. See the example of udhcpc_opts in the main networking article.

The default configuration of udhcpc may be overridden by /etc/udhcpc/udhcpc.conf. Please see /usr/share/udhcpc/default.script for how the values are used.

udhcpc.conf accepts the following key:value pairs:

key default value possible values meaning
RESOLV_CONF /etc/resolv.conf no ; NO ; - do not overwrite or alternative path for resolv.conf
NO_DNS - <list of iface names> Prevent overwriting of resolv.conf on a per-interface basis
NO_GATEWAY - <list of iface names> List of interfaces where DHCP routes are ignored
IF_METRIC - <metric value> offset value for routing metric
IF_PEER_DNS yes <anything but yes> please use RESOLV_CONF or NO_DNS instead

Example /etc/udhcpc/udhcpc.conf:

Contents of /etc/udhcpc/udhcpc.conf

RESOLV_CONF="no" # Prevents overwriting of /etc/resolv.conf

Custom scripts can be added as /etc/udhcpc/pre-* and /etc/udhcpc/post-* to be run before/after deconfig/renew/bound DHCP events. The custom scripts must be set as executable by root, e.g. chmod 744. Refer an example custom script


Todo: The below section need testing and confirmation. Please help contributing.

Change MTU for ADSL

As an example, /etc/udhcpc/post-bound/mtu could contain, to change the interface MTU from the default (1500) to 1492, which is useful if on ADSL that uses PPPoE (which uses 8 bytes for its own header):

r=$(/sbin/ip route | grep ^default | head -n 1) # Needs {{pkg|iproute2}} package, rather than busybox's "ip", to change mtu /sbin/ip route replace $r mtu 1492

I needed to restart my firewall (which replaces the iptables script from Alpine) when the client binds to a new IP, so I added the following line in the function bound(), right after 'resolvconf':

# rc-service iptables reload

The reload drops all firewall rules, re-acquires the Internal and external IPs, and re-writes the rules. I'm sure there is a better way.

See Also

Busybox udhcpc Readme