Talk:ISP Mail Server 3.x HowTo

From Alpine Linux

issues, e.g. php

well the line

  • apk add lighttpd php php-cgi php-pgsql php-imap php-mbstring

already breaks. let's see... --Yy22yy (talk) 11:21, 10 July 2019 (UTC)

Spam setup

This document describes installation process for the Alpine Linux 3.x platform. The goal of this document is to describe how to set up postfix, dovecot, clamav, dspam, roundecube, and postfixadmin for a full-featured "ISP" level mail server

In the description we say that it includes dspam setup instructions. This is not in the content of the article.

We should probably include the instructions to setup a spam filter, it being dspam or spamassassin.

— Preceding unsigned comments added by Msleaveamix (talkcontribs) 07:00, 7 September 2021

ClamAV error

  • Install clamav and clamsmtp:

apk add acf-clamav clamsmtp

Why installing acf-clamav instead of clamav?

— Preceding unsigned comments added by Msleaveamix (talkcontribs) 08:13, 7 September 2021