
From Alpine Linux
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StatusNet has been replaced by GNU Social (Discuss)

StatusNet is the open source microblogging platform that helps you share and connect in real-time within your own domain. With StatusNet you can encourage collaboration, build and engage your community, and be in command of your brand.

Install lighttpd and PHP

Basic Installation

For installing the additional packages first activate community packages and update the package index

Install the required packages:

# apk add lighttpd php82 fcgi php82-cgi

Configure Lighttpd

Edit lighttpd.conf (/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf) and uncomment the line:

Contents of /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

... include "mod_fastcgi.conf" ...

Edit mod_fastcgi.conf (/etc/lighttpd/mod_fastcgi.conf), find and change /usr/bin/php-cgi to /usr/bin/php-cgi82.

Contents of /etc/lighttpd/mod_fastcgi.conf

... "bin-path" => "/usr/bin/php-cgi82" # php-cgi ...

Start lighttpd service and add it to default runlevel

# rc-service lighttpd start # rc-update add lighttpd default

MySql and pcre

apk add pcre

apk add mysql mysql-client php-mysql php-mysqli

Configuring MySql

/usr/bin/mysql_install_db --user=mysql rc-service mysql start && rc-update add mysql default /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'password'

Create the StatusNet database

mysql -u root -p


Installing StatusNet

Create a directory named webapps

mkdir -p /usr/share/webapps/

Download the latest source code archive

cd /usr/share/webapps/ wget

Unpack the archive and delete it afterwards

tar zxvf statusnet-1.1.0.tar.gz rm statusnet-1.1.0.tar.gz

Creating a .htaccess file

cp /usr/share/webapps/statusnet-1.1.0/htaccess.sample .htaccess

Change the folder persmissions

chmod a+w /var/www/localhost/htdocs/statusnet/avatar/ chmod a+w /var/www/localhost/htdocs/statusnet/background/ chmod a+w /var/www/localhost/htdocs/statusnet/file/

Create a symlink to the statusnet folder

ln -s /usr/share/webapps/statusnet-1.1.0/ /var/www/localhost/htdocs/statusnet

Configuring StatusNet

Browse to: http://WEBSERVER_IP_ADDRESS/statusnet/install.php and install StatusNet by completing the information as appropriate from the web browser.

StatusNet Installation steps:

Install StatusNet

  • Site settings
  • Site name
The name of your site
  • Fancy URLsenable
Fancy URL support detection failed, disabling this option. Make sure you renamed htaccess.sample to .htaccess.
  • Database settings
  • Hostname: localhost
Database hostname
  • TypeMySQL
Database type
  • Name: statusnet
Database name
  • DB username: root
Database username
  • DB password: password
Database password (optional)
  • Administrator settings
  • Administrator nickname
Nickname for the initial StatusNet user (administrator)
  • Administrator password
Password for the initial StatusNet user (administrator)
  • Confirm passwordAdministrator e-mail
Optional email address for the initial StatusNet user (administrator)
  • Subscribe to announcements
  • Release and security feed from (recommended)

After click on Submit button, you will see:

Install StatusNet

Starting installation...
Checking database...
Changing to database...
Running database script...
Adding SMS carrier data to database...
Adding notice source data to database...
Adding foreign service data to database...
Writing config file...
Could not set up subscription to
An initial user with the administrator role has been created.
StatusNet has been installed at
DONE! You can visit your new StatusNet site (login as 'danieloc'). If this is your first StatusNet install, you may want to poke around our Getting Started guide.

You have StatusNet microblogin working, to access go to http://WEBSERVER_IP_ADDRESS/statusnet and enjoy!