
From Alpine Linux

This is a test of an upgraded version of the Template:pkg. It should preserve all old behavior *EXCEPT* it will print an error if positional parameter 1 is unset or empty.

The following 2 should produce the exact same URL:
Old template parameter 1 only: apk-tools
New template parameter 1 only: apk-tools

The following should produce the exact same URLs:
Positional parameter 1 + repo parameter: apk-tools
Many parameters set: apk-tools

Nonsense handling:
No arguments passed whatsoever (new template should handle gracefully)
Old template: First parameter cannot be undefined or empty in template: Template:Pkg New template: First parameter cannot be undefined or empty in template: Template:Pkg

Empty positional argument passed:
Old template: First parameter cannot be undefined or empty in template: Template:Pkg New template: First parameter cannot be undefined or empty in template: Template:Pkg

Extra positional arguments passed (shouldn't make any difference)
Old template: apk-tools New template: apk-tools

Extra positional arguments and extra named arguments (shouldn't make any difference)
Old template: apk-tools New template: apk-tools

empty branch parameter
old template: apk-tools
new template: apk-tools

New behavior: Link to apk-tools for every arch, but only for maintainer "Natanael Copa":

Link to all pipewire packages from maintainer "team/alpine-desktop"

Link to all linux-edge packages from maintainer "Milan P. Stanić"

Link to all i686 ALSA packages on 3.19 (this is the hardest test on the page because mediawiki is very prone to breaking template parameters that start with a star!):