
From Alpine Linux

1. Known Issues

1. Installation on 2 or more DASDs (either ECKD and FBA) on z/VM & Hercules (Hyperion) Emulator is not supported in the installer script (setup-alpine) at the moment. If you want to install/extend on more than 1 DASD. However, installation on 2 or more virtio (SCSI) disks on KVM is supported just like other architectures.

2. The boot media

For KVM, both ISO image and netboot media (kernel and initramfs) are supported.

For z/VM and Hercules (Hyperion) emulator, netboot media is supported.

For LPAR, netboot media is supported.

Boot media are found at:

Kernel parameters (and parmfile)

The Alpine s390x boot media requires following kernel parameters to work: (Details at : https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/nfs/nfsroot.txt)

ip=dhcp : use DHCP for network configuration.

ip=client-ip:server-ip:gw-ip:netmask:hostname:device:autoconf:dns1:dns2 : use static IP configuration, each field is separated by a colon :

  • client-ip ip address of the guest VM where we are going to run the installer
  • server-ip not used, leave blank or fill with none
  • gw-ip the gateway ip address
  • netmask the netmask
  • hostname not used, leave blank or fill with none
  • device the network interface of the guest VM, default is eth0 if left blank
  • autoconf not used, leave blank or fill with none or off
  • dns1 address of the DNS server
  • dns2 address of the 2nd DNS server

alpine_repo= : the location of the Alpine repository from which packages are downloaded.

For stable release, use https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.2/main
For rolling release, use https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main

modloop= : the remote location of the image containing kernel's modules, required for LVM and raid setup.

The remote location of the modloop image is the same as the kernel and initramfs (see below).

ssh_key= : the remote location of your SSH public key which is used to allow SSH connection into the installer. It will be downloaded and copied into /root/.ssh/authorized_keys in the installer.

Note: Fetching public keys from HTTP, HTTPS and FTPS is supported. HTTP should be used only in a local environment where you own the network.
Note: Alpine Linux security policies are against using passwords for root access via SSH as we consider using public-private key pairs to be a much better approach.

z/VM & Hercules (Hyperion) Emulator

dasd= : the addresses of the DASD devices, either ECKD or FBA DASDs. Each device is separated with a comma.

s390x_net= : the network interface type and its subchannels. At the moment, only QETH layer 2 is supported, thus the name qeth_l2 is used (see below).

3. Pre-installation


Create a virtual disk:

$ qemu-img create alpine_disk.qcow2 5G

Using iso image

Download latest iso image from : https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.19/releases/s390x

Start qemu:

$ qemu-system-s390x -M s390-ccw-virtio \ -m 1024 -smp 2 -nographic -enable-kvm \ -net nic -net tap,ifname=tap0,script=no \ -hda alpine_disk.qcow2 \ -boot d -cdrom alpine-standard-3.19.0-s390x.iso

Using netboot media

Download the latest kernel and initramfs.

Start qemu: (modify ip= alpine_repo= ssh_key= for your needs)

$ qemu-system-s390x -M s390-ccw-virtio \ -m 1024 -smp 2 -nographic -enable-kvm \ -net nic -net tap,ifname=tap0,script=no \ -hda alpine_disk.qcow2 \ -kernel vmlinuz-lts \ -initrd initramfs-lts \ -append "ip= alpine_repo=https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.19/main modloop=https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.19/releases/s390x/netboot/modloop-lts ssh_key=https://www.example.net/your-ssh-key.pub"

Note: If you have direct access to the qemu console, ssh_key might not be required.


To ease out the process of downloading the images, punch the readers, ipl, etc., ZNETBOOT is used.

Note: Using a FTP server to host the images and download them from x3270 console also works - thus no need to use ZNETBOOT.

Create the parm file

On your workstation/laptop, create a file named alpine.znetboot in your home directory with contents below (modify dasd=s390x_net= ip= alpine_repo= ssh_key= for your needs)





Upload to z/VM system via 3270 client

Figure 1.

On your workstation/laptop, download 2 files znetboot.exec, and curl.rexx to your home directory.

Open 3270 client and log in the z/VM system with your z/VM username and password.

Upload 3 files alpine.znetboot, znetboot.exec, curl.rexx to the z/VM environment using the 3270 client (this tutorial uses x3270). On the top left corner, click "File", then "File Transfer". (Figure 1.)

Do following steps : (Figure 2.)

Figure 2.
  • On "Local File Name" box, enter alpine.znetboot (the file in your laptop/workstation, at ~/alpine.znetboot)
  • On "Host File Name" box, enter alpine znetboot (the file will be in z/VM console)
Note: Beware the difference between the dot . and the space characters in the file names.
  • Choose Send to host
  • Choose Host is VM/CMS
  • Choose either Fixed or Variable for Record Format
Enter a number for LRECL and BLKSIZE, respectively
Note: Any line in alpine.znetboot that has more 80 chars (columns) will be splitted into more than 1 line when uploaded to z/VM (CMS) console via 3270. Count the number of characters/column of the longest line in your alpine.znetboot and fill it in LRECL. There is no restriction for BLKSIZE but 80 is preferred.
  • Click Transfer File box

Repeat the same steps with znetboot.exec and curl.rexx files.

(Optional) Check the configuration files

On 3270 client, enter following commands to check if the configuration files are correctly transferred:

Figure 3.

xedit alpine znetboot

xedit znetboot exec

xedit curl rex

or filel and put xedit on CMD column to edit respective file.


On 3270 client, type below command and wait till Figure 3.:

znetboot alpine

Hercules (Hyperion) Emulator

Hercules (Hyperion) zSeries Emulator

Hercules is an open source software implementation of the mainframe System/370 and ESA/390 architectures, in addition to the latest 64-bit z/Architecture. Hercules runs under Linux, Windows, Solaris, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X.

This procedure is not tested on a native zSeries LPAR but will most likely work. The host is a Fedora Linux V39

Create the directories on the HOST

on $HOME

mkdir -p Alpine/rdrr Alpine/dasd /Alpine/prtrr 

Download the vmlinuz & initramfs to the host machine

From the alpine download page take the vmlinuz & initramfs files and put on $HOME/Alpine/rdrr directory

Create the parm file

On your workstation/laptop, create a file named parmfile in your $HOME/Alpine/rdrr directory with contents below (modify dasd=s390x_net= ip= alpine_repo= ssh_key= for your needs)


Create the dasd file(s)

Use only 3390 Model 3 (2.8 GB) On the $HOME/Alpine/dasd directory

dasdinit -lfs -linux ZLINUX.0120 3390-3 LIN120
dasdinit -lfs -linux ZLINUX.0121 3390-3 LIN121
dasdinit -lfs -linux ZLINUX.0122 3390-3 LIN122
dasdinit -lfs -linux ZLINUX.0123 3390-3 LIN123

Customize the hercules.cnf file

Create a file on $HOME/Alpine with name Alpine.cnf and copy the follow contents See Hercules Configuration File for details

# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Hercules cnf File for zLinux (Alpine)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Define Vars
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
DEFSYM RUTA      /home/<user>/zLinux
DEFSYM IFNM     "/dev/net/tun"
DEFSYM TAP0     "tap0"
DEFSYM MAINSIZE "4196"         # 4 GB Ram
DEFSYM CPUM     "1090"         # "8561" # "2817"
DEFSYM CPUSER   "000001" 
DEFSYM LOADPARM "0120...."     #CS NS  SAM1
DEFSYM TIMERI   "500"          #400  
DEFSYM OS       "LINUX"       
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
CPUMODEL  $(CPUM)      #1090
CPUSERIAL $(CPUSER)    #000001
LPARNAME  $(LPNAME)    #Distro
LPARNUM   $(LPNUM)     #01 
MAXCPU    $(MAXCPU)    #3
NUMCPU    $(NUMCPU)    #2
PANOPT    TITLE="zLinux on x86" RATE=SLOW
HERCLOGO  $(PROD)/Herclogo.txt
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
#LPARNUM   BASIC       #BASIC 1 xx 
#CPUIDFMT  BASIC       # 0 | 1 | BASIC
#CONKPALV  (3,1,10)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Terminals Char-Type 
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# 0000 3215-C  $ NOPROMPT
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Punchs
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
0005 3525    $(PRTR)/PUNCH0005.txt crlf
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Readers
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
000A 3505    $(RDRR)/vmlinuz-lts $(RDRR)/parmfile $(RDRR)/initramfs-lts autopad eof
000B 3505    *
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Terminals
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
000C 3215    * 
000D 3215    * 
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Printers
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
000E 1403    $(PRTR)/PRT000E.txt crlf
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# 000F 2703    lnctl=TELE2 term=tty dial=no lport=3271
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Dasd
# Use dasdinit -lfs -linux ZLINUX.0120 3390-3 LIN120  # Model 3 = 2.8GB
#     dasdinit -lfs -linux ZLINUX.0121 3390-3 LIN121  # Model 3 = 2.8GB
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
0120 3390    $(DASD)/ZLINUX.0120  # 3390-3
0121 3390    $(DASD)/ZLINUX.0121  # 3390-3
0122 3390    $(DASD)/ZLINUX.0122  # 3390-3
0123 3390    $(DASD)/ZLINUX.0123  # 3390-3
# .........
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Tapes
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
0580 3420    *
0581 3420    *
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Comunications IP (OSA)
# ipaddr $(IPTAP)
# !!!Don't put any IP over the QETH device!!!
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
0600-0602 QETH ifname $(TAP0) iface $(IFNM) mtu 1500 chpid 0 #debug 
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Consoles
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
0700 3270    *
0701 3270    *
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
# End(and Fun)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#

Customize the Alpine initramfs-lts file

This step is necessary because the emulator don't have a Linux tty console and at the moment of send the alpine-setup.sh script the ssh session with root is not permitted. The trick is put a root password and create a admin user. This "hack" is taken from Automate Alpine Linux Installation

Alpine has a service called local.
When this service start, it will execute all scripts named *.start found in /etc/local.d/.
But local service is not enabled by default.
Follow these Steps to enable local service, and let it execute our script:

1.- write your installation script, save to myscript.start
extract initramfs-lts. Need to do this in an empty folder

zcat initramfs-lts | cpio -idm
rm -f initramfs-lts
edit init file. 

exec switch_root $switch_root_opts $sysroot $chart_init "$KOPT_init" $KOPT_init_args

2.-Add these 3 lines before the exec command:

cp /myscript.start $sysroot/etc/local.d/
chmod a+x $sysroot/etc/local.d/myscript.start
ln -s /etc/init.d/local $sysroot/etc/runlevels/default/
copy myscript.start to the same folder of init file

3.-repack initramfs-lts

find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -1 >initramfs-lts
replace initramfs-lts from iso to the new one.

Reference: https://docs.alpinelinux.org/user-handbook/0.1a/Installing/manual.html

The myscript.start

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# delete this hack otherwise this script will run forever
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
rm -f /etc/local.d/myscript.start
rm -f /etc/runlevels/default/local
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# change root pwd to 123@@@ 
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
echo root:123@@@ | chpasswd
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# create a admin user & change pwd to 123@@@  
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
setup-user -a -u -f Admin admin
echo admin:123@@@ | chpasswd


The access to internet needs a Bridge & TAP interface. Write a script as this one: This script must be executed before the IPL of the guest zLinux

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define tap zLinux zOS
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Conectivity
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
sudo ip link   add name "$BRIDGE"   type bridge
sudo ip tuntap add      "$TAP0"     mode tap 
sudo ip addr   add      "$IPBR0"/24 broadcast "$BROADC" dev "$BRIDGE"
sudo ip link   set dev  "$BRIDGE"   up
sudo ip link   set dev  "$TAP0"     master    "$BRIDGE"
sudo ip link   set dev  "$ETH"      master    "$BRIDGE"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# FW Rules
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted \
#                  --add-interface="$BRIDGE"
#sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted \
#                  --add-interface="$TAP0"
#sudo firewall-cmd --reload
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Routes
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
#sudo ip route add default via dev "$BRIDGE"

Look at the firewall rules to permit the trafic over this.

Start de Hercules (Hyperion) emulator

$ sudo hercules -f Alpine.cnf > salida.txt

and do the IPL from the CLI of the emulator

herc =====> ipl a        

4. Installation

If you install on z/VM or Hercules (Hyperion) Emulator, steps in this part does not involve the interaction with the 3270 client anymore. Everything is done in the terminal with SSH client.

If you install on KVM, you can either SSH into the installer (below) or directly use the console starting qemu.

Either installing in KVM or z/VM environments, from your workstation/laptop, you will be able to run:

$ ssh root@ (change ip address to what you specified earlier).

On Hercules (Hyperion) emulator will be with user admin, after login do it root with su - & the password of the mysscript.start for root user (123@@@)

$ ssh admin@ (change ip address to what you specified earlier) Pwd 123@@@.

if you obtain and "connection refused" at this point of the installation on the host machine use:

$sudo ip link   set dev  tap0     master    br0
$sudo firewall-cmd --zone=trusted --add-interface=tap0

Remaining steps are similar to installing Alpine on other architectures (x86, arm, ppc, etc.), either on KVM (using virtio/SCSI disks) or on z/VM and Hercules (Hyperion) emulator with FBA DASDs. Installing on ECKD DASDs requires an additional step, as described below.


Below is the detailed walkthrough of installing Alpine on a single ECKD DASD using LVM and extend that LVM to the second ECKD DASD.

After SSH-ing into the Alpine installer, run:

# setup-alpine

Select keyboard layout [none]:

press Enter for none

Enter system hostname (short form, e.g. 'foo') [localhost]:

enter your hostname
Available interfaces are: eth0.
Enter '?' for help on bridges, bonding and vlans.
Which one do you want to initialize? (or '?' or 'done') [eth0]:
type 'eth0' or press Enter

Ip address for eth0? (or 'dhcp', 'none', '?') []

enter ip address or 'dhcp'

Netmask? []

enter netmask

Gateway? (or 'none') []

enter gateway's ip address

Do you want to do any manual network configuration? [no]

enter 'no' or press Enter

DNS domain name? (e.g 'bar.com') []

enter domain name or press Enter for none

DNS nameserver(s)? [ ]

enter DNS nameserver

Changing password for root

enter root password

Which timezone are you in? ('?' for list) [UTC]

enter timezone or '?' for list of timezones

HTTP/FTP proxy URL? (e.g. 'http://proxy:8080', or 'none') [none]

enter proxy or press Enter for none

Enter mirror number (1-27) or URL to add (or r/f/e/done) [f]:

enter a number or 'r' or 'f' or 'e' or 'done' as described

Which SSH server? ('openssh', 'dropbear' or 'none') [openssh]

enter SSH server or press Enter for openssh

Which NTP client to run? ('busybox', 'openntpd', 'chrony' or 'none') [chrony]

enter 'busybox' or press Enter for chrony

(next step is the additional step for ECKD DASDs on z/VM)

Available ECKD DASD(s) are:

On hercules (Hyperion) emulator use {{ic|only}} 1 dasd (the 0120 address preferibly)
  0.0.04c0	(3390/0c 3990/e9 IBM)
  0.0.05d1	(3390/0c 3990/e9 IBM)
Which ECKD DASD(s) would you like to be formatted using dasdfmt? (enter '?' for help) [all]
enter 'all' or '0.0.04c0 0.0.05d1' (separated by a space) to format all/both DASDs
enter '0.0.04c0' or '0.0.05d1' to format respective DASD
enter '?' for help

WARNING: Erase ECKD DASD 0.0.04c0? [y/N]:

enter 'y' to format
Available disks are:
  dasda	(2.5 GB IBM 0.0.04c0)
Which disk(s) would you like to use? (or '?' for help or 'none') [dasda]
enter 'dasda' or press Enter
The following disk is selected:
  dasda	(2.5 GB IBM 0.0.04c0)
How would you like to use it? ('sys', 'data', 'lvm' or '?' for help) [?]
enter 'lvm'
The following disk is selected (with LVM):
  dasda	(2.5 GB IBM 0.0.04c0)
How would you like to use it? ('sys', 'data' or '?' for help) [?]
enter 'sys' to install Alpine on disk
WARNING: The following disk(s) will be erased:
  dasda	(2.5 GB IBM 0.0.04c0)
WARNING: Erase the above disk(s) and continue? [y/N]:
enter 'y'

Installation is complete. Please reboot.

the installation is finished

At this point, don't poweroff the installer right away. Go to Copying SSH keys to new Alpine system (below) to have SSH access to your new Alpine system.

Copying SSH keys to new Alpine system

This step is not necessary under Hercules (Hyperion) Emulator installation

By default, Alpine disables root login with a password via SSH. SSH keys are used instead.

After the installer's done running (Installation is complete. Please reboot.), there are 2 ways to copy your SSH key into the new Alpine system:

  • Option 1: mount the installed disk and copy the SSH keys while still at the installer's terminal
  • Option 2: poweroff the installer, start the new Alpine system and directly add the SSH keys
if you install on KVM, boot the new Alpine system on qemu, and copy the SSH keys
if you install on z/VM, use the 3270 client to ipl the new Alpine system and copy the SSH keys

Option 1

If you use 'lvm' + 'sys' installation (like in above example), do:

# mount /dev/vg0/lv_root /mnt
# cp -ar /root/.ssh /mnt/root

If you use 'sys' (without LVM) installation, do:

# mount /dev/dasda3 /mnt (change dasda to dasdb or dasdc, etc. for whichever DASD you chose)
# cp -ar /root/.ssh /mnt/root
Note: In 'sys' installation, 1st partition is boot, 2nd partition is swap, 3rd partition is root

Then run # poweroff.

Go to Login to new Alpine system

Option 2

Run # poweroff.

If you use KVM, start qemu with new Alpine system (removing -kernel, -initrd, -append options)

If you use z/VM, open the 3270 client, login with your z/VM username and password. You may need to run ipl cms. Then run ipl 04c0 (or whichever DASD device you chose as root disk in earlier steps).

Wait for new Alpine system go up, then login as root user while in the qemu console (on KVM) or 3270 client (on z/VM). Then run:

# mkdir /root/.ssh
# wget https://your-website.com/your-ssh-key.pub -O /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
# chmod 700 /root/.ssh
# chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

Go to Login to new Alpine system

Login to new Alpine system

With hercules (hyperion) emulator do an IPL over the address of the boot disk to start the Alpine zLinux , in this case

herc =====> ipl 0120        

On your workstation/laptop, use SSH client to login new Alpine system: $ ssh root@ (or whichever ip address you used)

Extending LVM volume

After logging in to your new Alpine system, run:

# apk add -q util-linux e2fsprogs-extra

# lsblk
dasda            94:0    0  2.3G  0 disk 
├─dasda1         94:1    0  100M  0 part /boot
└─dasda2         94:2    0  2.2G  0 part 
  ├─vg0-lv_swap 254:0    0  588M  0 lvm  [SWAP]
  └─vg0-lv_root 254:1    0  1.6G  0 lvm  /
dasdb            94:4    0  2.3G  0 disk

# dasdfmt -b 4096 -d cdl -yp /dev/dasdb

# fdasd -a /dev/dasdb

# pvcreate /dev/dasdb1

# vgextend vg0 /dev/dasdb1

# lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/vg0/lv_root

# resize2fs /dev/vg0/lv_root

# lsblk
dasda            94:0    0  2.3G  0 disk 
├─dasda1         94:1    0  100M  0 part /boot
└─dasda2         94:2    0  2.2G  0 part 
  ├─vg0-lv_swap 254:0    0  588M  0 lvm  [SWAP]
  └─vg0-lv_root 254:1    0  3.9G  0 lvm  /
dasdb            94:4    0  2.3G  0 disk 
└─dasdb1         94:5    0  2.3G  0 part 
  └─vg0-lv_root 254:1    0  3.9G  0 lvm  /

5. Tips

If you want to disable swap partition, after finishing NTP client step, quit the installer by pressing Ctrl + C. Then run following command to complete remaining steps:

# setup-disk -s 0

Note: If you do 'sys' installation, there will be no swap partition anymore and 1st partition will be boot, 2nd partition will be root