
From Alpine Linux

ifupdown-ng is a network device manager which is backwards compatible with traditional ifup and ifdown as used on Debian and Alpine systems, while solving many design deficits with the original approach through robust error handling and the use of a dependency-solver to determine interface bring-up order.


The ifupdown-ng package is installed as part of alpine-base package and provides necessary tools for managing network configuration in Alpine Linux.

DHCP support

ifupdown-ng supports udhcpc from BusyBox, dhcpcd and dhclient. Of these, only dhcpcd can interact with both DHCP and DHCPv6 from the same process, which ifupdown-ng requires. Thus the IPv4 DHCP configuration given on this page will also result in the use of DHCPv6, but only if the dhcpcd package is installed. The ifupdown-ng scripts prioritize dhcpcd over udhcpc as per /usr/libexec/ifupdown-ng/dhcp script.

Note: The third dhcp client dhclient is no longer available in Alpine Linux since v3.21

The availability of ifupdown-ng package can be checked via the command ifquery --version.

See also