
From Alpine Linux

HAProxy is a free, very fast, and reliable reverse-proxy offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications.

A unique feature is that HAProxy can be configured for SSL termination to occur locally on the HAProxy server or it can be configured to pass through SSL termination at the backend via SNI.


HAProxy package is available in the Alpine Linux repositories. To install it run:

apk update apk add haproxy

System scripts

If you are running OpenRC, then you can install with:

apk update apk add haproxy-openrc

If you are running runit, s6, or dinit, (or other), then there are no scripts packaged for your init systems yet. Please feel free to contribute a package with them.

Local Documentation

If you want local documenation, then you can install that with:

apk add haproxy-doc

See Also