Alpine XFCE Desktop
Here are some ideas on what could be included in the Alpine XFCE Desktop.
- web browser: midori
- IRC client: xchat
- Email client: sylpheed, claws-mail
- File manager: thunar
- Terminal: Terminal (xfce), aterm, mrxvt
- PDF viewer: epdfview
- BitTorrent client: transmission
- Development editor/IDE: geany, xfce4-vala
- Image viewer: gpicview, ristretto
- login manager: slim
- RDP client: rdesktop
- Media player: parole
- Media player(alternate): mplayer (best launched via command line to be able to specify sound/video backend that works best)
- Word processor: abiword
- Flash plugin (for youtube etc): swfdec (works poorly)
- Printing: cups, xfprint
- VNC client: remmina
- System Profiler and Benchmark: Hardinfo
- Personal organizer: Osmo
- Other: wine
- Spreadsheet: gnumeric
- Graphics: gimp
- Flash plugin (for youtube etc): gnash?
- Development: lua-gnome?, glade?
- Input device hotplugging in xorg (switch to udev?)
- Instant Messaging: pidgin (is in testing but without nss (crypto) which is needed for msn, google talk etc)
- CD burning: xfburn
- Graphics: inkscape