Release Notes for Alpine 3.20.0

From Alpine Linux

Base System

grub 2.12

When upgrading existing installations using grub on UEFI systems, make sure to update the installed bootloader before rebooting, otherwise your machine might not boot.

The problem is that grub added a new module called `bli`, and the updated grub configuration refers to that module, causing grub to fail on boot.

Here is an example assuming the default setup. Don't blindly copy this examples but verify what's applicable to your system.


# grub-install --target=$target --efi-directory=$efi_directory \ --bootloader-id=alpine --boot-directory=/boot --no-nvram # install -D $efi_directory/EFI/alpine/grub$fwa.efi $efi_directory/EFI/boot/boot$fwa.efi

The relevant target for your system
Either /boot/efi or /boot. Run awk '$2 ~ /boot/ && $3 ~ /fat|msdos/ { print $2 }' /proc/mounts to confirm.
The respective firmware architecture for your system

Shot-term work-around

A short-term work-around to get the system bootable again is to restore the backup configuration:

cp /boot/grub/grub.cfg.back /boot/grub.cfg

This should allow you to boot the system again to fix it permanently. This will be reverted again when either grub or the kernel is updated again.