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Currently zoneminder has to be installed from edge, make sure you have edge as pinned repo when you use stable.
[ ZoneMinder] usually runs with [[Apache]], but in this short how-to we use [[Lighttpd]].

ZoneMinder usually runs with apache, but in this short howto we use lighttpd.

First add the needed packages to our system
==Base Install==

apk add zoneminder@edge mysql mysql-client lighttpd php-fpm # add phpmyadmin if you like to manage mysql from web interface
ZoneMinder is found in the community repositories, please enable it by following the instructions [[Repositories#Enabling_the_community_repository|here]]

Initialize mysql database
Then, add the packages for zoneminder to our system

  /etc/init.d/mysql setup
  apk add zoneminder mariadb mysql-client lighttpd php-fpm php-pdo php-pdo_mysql php-intl php-session php-ctype

set root password for mysql as instructed by mysql setup
''Note: You will need to adjust the above to use the appropriate php version. For example, in alpine 3.17 php 8.1 is used therefore you would enter php81-fpm. In alpine 3.20 php 8.3 is used so you would enter php83-fpm. You can look up the php version by typing apk search php and sorting through the results for your given release. This version suffix should be added to each php package.''

Create a zoneminder MySQL database and user
Initialize [ MySQL] database
rc-service mariadb setup
Start the database
rc-service mariadb start
Set root password for MySQL as instructed by MySQL setup
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'your_secure_root_mysql_password'
You can log into MySQL as current root user with
Create a ZoneMinder MySQL database and user

  mysql> create database zm;
  mysql> create database zm;

  mysql> CREATE USER zm@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'your_zm_password_as_set_in_config';
  mysql> CREATE USER zmuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'your_zm_password_as_set_in_config';
mysql> grant ALL on zm.* to zmuser@localhost;
===Web Server===
We are running <code>lighttpd</code>, so let's run <code>php-fpm</code> as lighttpd user/group
vi /etc/php8/php-fpm.conf
''Note: for php 8.1''
vi /etc/php81/php-fpm.conf

mysql> grant CREATE, INSERT, SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE on zm.* to zm@localhost;
Add this section to the bottom of the file:

We are running lighttpd so lets run php-fpm as lighttpd user/group
; Unix user/group of processes
; Note: The user is mandatory. If the group is not set, the default user's group
;      will be used.
;user = nobody
;group = nobody
user = lighttpd
group = lighttpd

vim /etc/php/php-fpm.conf
Enable the php cgi fpm config in <code>lighttpd.conf</code>

uncomment the php cgi fpm config in lighttpd.conf
vi /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

vim /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
Go down to the server modules section and uncomment <code>mod_alias</code>, which is needed for the cgi-bin, and <code>mod_rewrite</code>, for the api. It should look like:

start php-fpm
# {{{ modules
# At the very least, mod_access and mod_accesslog should be enabled.
# All other modules should only be loaded if necessary.
# NOTE: the order of modules is important.
server.modules = (
#    "mod_redirect",
#    "mod_cml",
#    "mod_trigger_b4_dl",
#    "mod_auth",
#    "mod_status",
#    "mod_setenv",
#    "mod_proxy",
#    "mod_simple_vhost",
#    "mod_evhost",
#    "mod_userdir",
#    "mod_deflate",
#    "mod_ssi",
#    "mod_usertrack",
#    "mod_expire",
#    "mod_secdownload",
#    "mod_rrdtool",
#    "mod_webdav",
# }}}

  /etc/init.d/php-fpm start
Go down to the includes section, it should look like:
  # {{{ includes
include "mime-types.conf"
# uncomment for cgi support
    include "mod_cgi.conf"
# uncomment for php/fastcgi support
#  include "mod_fastcgi.conf"
# uncomment for php/fastcgi fpm support
    include "mod_fastcgi_fpm.conf"
# }}}

start lighttpd
In order for video streaming to work in 1.36, you'll need the following
added to /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf: = 1

  /etc/init.d/lighttpd start
In lighttpd.conf for the API, we will want to redirect any api+ requests to cakephp. Thus, add:
  url.rewrite = (
      "^/zm/api(.+)$"          =>              "/zm/api/index.php"

Set the MySQL hostname, username, password.
And change the ZoneMinder user (ZM_WEB_USER) and group (ZM_WEB_GROUP) to lighttpd

vim /etc/zm.conf

Edit lighttpd cgi config and add old style cgi support by adding to cgi.assign
Edit lighttpd cgi config and add old style cgi support by adding to cgi.assign

  vim /etc/lighttpd/mod_cgi.conf
  vi /etc/lighttpd/mod_cgi.conf

which should look like
which should look like
Line 53: Line 127:
     ".cgi"  =>      "/usr/bin/perl"
     ".cgi"  =>      "/usr/bin/perl"
Also add the following to alias.url in mod_cgi.conf so that it looks like
alias.url = (
    "/cgi-bin/"            =>      var.basedir + "/cgi-bin/",
    "/zm/api"              =>      "/usr/share/webapps/zoneminder/htdocs/api/app/webroot/",
    "/zm/"                =>      "/usr/share/webapps/zoneminder/htdocs/"
Remove the symlink in /var/www/localhost/htdocs (we will be using the alias, not the symlink).
unlink /var/www/localhost/htdocs/zm
Start php-fpm
rc-service php-fpm8 start
''Note:'' for php-fpm81, use the following command:
rc-service php-fpm81 start
Start lighttpd
rc-service lighttpd start
Set the MySQL hostname, username, password.
Change the ZoneMinder user (<code>ZM_WEB_USER</code>) and group (<code>ZM_WEB_GROUP</code>) to lighttpd
And set <code>ZM_SERVER_HOST</code> to your ZoneMinder hostname/ipaddress
vi /etc/zm/zm.conf
Which should look like:
# Username and group that web daemon (httpd/apache) runs as
# ZoneMinder database type: so far only mysql is supported
# ZoneMinder database hostname or ip address
# ZoneMinder database name
# ZoneMinder database user
# ZoneMinder database password
# Host of this machine
Change ownership of <code>zm.conf</code> to <code>lighttpd</code>
chown lighttpd.lighttpd /etc/zm/zm.conf
Zoneminder will create a cache in <code>/var/cache/zoneminder</code> which isn't created by default. Create this directory and allow lighttpd access to it. Note that if you are using a diskless install, you must lbu add /var/cache/zoneminder.
mkdir /var/cache/zoneminder
chown lighttpd.lighttpd /var/cache/zoneminder
Initialize the ZoneMinder database
rc-service zoneminder setup
Start ZoneMinder
rc-service zoneminder start
To access ZoneMinder, browse to <nowiki>http://yourserver/zm/</nowiki>
To test the API, run
curl -X GET  <nowiki>http://yourserver/zm/api/host/getVersion.json</nowiki>
(This assumes you aren't using authentication.)
To make it start automatically on boot:
rc-update add lighttpd default
rc-update add mariadb default
rc-update add php-fpm8 default
rc-update add zoneminder default
== Added notes to work with Nginx ==
Later to add some notes about running via nginx
== Troubleshooting ==
===General troubleshooting of lighttpd===
You can enable debugging on lighttpd by uncommenting the debug options in /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf (which in 3.20 were):
debug.log-request-header  = "enable"
debug.log-response-header  = "enable"
debug.log-request-handling = "enable"
debug.log-file-not-found  = "enable"
Note that since 3.14, mod_alias is now built into lighttpd and is not a module (.so file).
For further troubleshooting, refer to the alpine build logs ( or  or alternatively, the lighttpd redmine wiki & forums. The ZoneMinder forum/discord/github issues tracker is also available for any errors related to ZoneMinder.
===PHP Fatal Error in /var/log/lighttpd/error.log===
Sometimes the php extensions are missing. For example, in 3.20 I had to manually install php83-ctype, which was not required in previous versions. This is confusing because, there is php82 and php-fpm83 installed. Testing ctype from the php82 interactive shell will succeed, but ZM is using php-fpm83, and phpinfo() from an index.php lists ctype (which you might assume is installed) however ctype is listed as 'enable=shared' which I assume means you have to install the shared library for ctype.
===ZM is not compiled with LibVNC support in 3.20===
This is a missing feature, and should be resolved at some point in the future. This means source type:VNC will not work.

Latest revision as of 21:38, 11 February 2025

ZoneMinder usually runs with Apache, but in this short how-to we use Lighttpd.

Base Install

ZoneMinder is found in the community repositories, please enable it by following the instructions here

Then, add the packages for zoneminder to our system

apk add zoneminder mariadb mysql-client lighttpd php-fpm php-pdo php-pdo_mysql php-intl php-session php-ctype 

Note: You will need to adjust the above to use the appropriate php version. For example, in alpine 3.17 php 8.1 is used therefore you would enter php81-fpm. In alpine 3.20 php 8.3 is used so you would enter php83-fpm. You can look up the php version by typing apk search php and sorting through the results for your given release. This version suffix should be added to each php package.


Initialize MySQL database

rc-service mariadb setup

Start the database

rc-service mariadb start

Set root password for MySQL as instructed by MySQL setup

/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'your_secure_root_mysql_password'

You can log into MySQL as current root user with


Create a ZoneMinder MySQL database and user

mysql> create database zm;
mysql> CREATE USER zmuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'your_zm_password_as_set_in_config';
mysql> grant ALL on zm.* to zmuser@localhost;

Web Server

We are running lighttpd, so let's run php-fpm as lighttpd user/group

vi /etc/php8/php-fpm.conf

Note: for php 8.1

vi /etc/php81/php-fpm.conf

Add this section to the bottom of the file:

; Unix user/group of processes
; Note: The user is mandatory. If the group is not set, the default user's group
;       will be used.
;user = nobody
;group = nobody
user = lighttpd
group = lighttpd

Enable the php cgi fpm config in lighttpd.conf

vi /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

Go down to the server modules section and uncomment mod_alias, which is needed for the cgi-bin, and mod_rewrite, for the api. It should look like:

# {{{ modules
# At the very least, mod_access and mod_accesslog should be enabled.
# All other modules should only be loaded if necessary.
# NOTE: the order of modules is important.
server.modules = (
#    "mod_redirect",
#    "mod_cml",
#    "mod_trigger_b4_dl",
#    "mod_auth",
#    "mod_status",
#    "mod_setenv",
#    "mod_proxy",
#    "mod_simple_vhost",
#    "mod_evhost",
#    "mod_userdir",
#    "mod_deflate",
#    "mod_ssi",
#    "mod_usertrack",
#    "mod_expire",
#    "mod_secdownload",
#    "mod_rrdtool",
#    "mod_webdav",
# }}}

Go down to the includes section, it should look like:

# {{{ includes
include "mime-types.conf"
# uncomment for cgi support
   include "mod_cgi.conf"
# uncomment for php/fastcgi support
#   include "mod_fastcgi.conf"
# uncomment for php/fastcgi fpm support
   include "mod_fastcgi_fpm.conf"

# }}}

In order for video streaming to work in 1.36, you'll need the following added to /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf: = 1

In lighttpd.conf for the API, we will want to redirect any api+ requests to cakephp. Thus, add:

url.rewrite = (
      "^/zm/api(.+)$"           =>              "/zm/api/index.php"

Edit lighttpd cgi config and add old style cgi support by adding to cgi.assign

vi /etc/lighttpd/mod_cgi.conf

which should look like

cgi.assign = (
    ""      =>      "",
    ".pl"   =>      "/usr/bin/perl",
    ".cgi"  =>      "/usr/bin/perl"

Also add the following to alias.url in mod_cgi.conf so that it looks like

alias.url = (
    "/cgi-bin/"            =>      var.basedir + "/cgi-bin/",
    "/zm/api"              =>      "/usr/share/webapps/zoneminder/htdocs/api/app/webroot/",
    "/zm/"                 =>      "/usr/share/webapps/zoneminder/htdocs/"

Remove the symlink in /var/www/localhost/htdocs (we will be using the alias, not the symlink).

unlink /var/www/localhost/htdocs/zm

Start php-fpm

rc-service php-fpm8 start

Note: for php-fpm81, use the following command:

rc-service php-fpm81 start

Start lighttpd

rc-service lighttpd start


Set the MySQL hostname, username, password.

Change the ZoneMinder user (ZM_WEB_USER) and group (ZM_WEB_GROUP) to lighttpd

And set ZM_SERVER_HOST to your ZoneMinder hostname/ipaddress

vi /etc/zm/zm.conf

Which should look like:

# Username and group that web daemon (httpd/apache) runs as
# ZoneMinder database type: so far only mysql is supported

# ZoneMinder database hostname or ip address

# ZoneMinder database name

# ZoneMinder database user

# ZoneMinder database password

# Host of this machine

Change ownership of zm.conf to lighttpd

chown lighttpd.lighttpd /etc/zm/zm.conf

Zoneminder will create a cache in /var/cache/zoneminder which isn't created by default. Create this directory and allow lighttpd access to it. Note that if you are using a diskless install, you must lbu add /var/cache/zoneminder.

mkdir /var/cache/zoneminder
chown lighttpd.lighttpd /var/cache/zoneminder

Initialize the ZoneMinder database

rc-service zoneminder setup

Start ZoneMinder

rc-service zoneminder start



To access ZoneMinder, browse to http://yourserver/zm/

To test the API, run

curl -X GET  http://yourserver/zm/api/host/getVersion.json

(This assumes you aren't using authentication.)

To make it start automatically on boot:

rc-update add lighttpd default
rc-update add mariadb default
rc-update add php-fpm8 default
rc-update add zoneminder default

Added notes to work with Nginx

Later to add some notes about running via nginx


General troubleshooting of lighttpd

You can enable debugging on lighttpd by uncommenting the debug options in /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf (which in 3.20 were):

debug.log-request-header   = "enable"
debug.log-response-header  = "enable"
debug.log-request-handling = "enable"
debug.log-file-not-found   = "enable"

Note that since 3.14, mod_alias is now built into lighttpd and is not a module (.so file).

For further troubleshooting, refer to the alpine build logs ( or or alternatively, the lighttpd redmine wiki & forums. The ZoneMinder forum/discord/github issues tracker is also available for any errors related to ZoneMinder.

PHP Fatal Error in /var/log/lighttpd/error.log

Sometimes the php extensions are missing. For example, in 3.20 I had to manually install php83-ctype, which was not required in previous versions. This is confusing because, there is php82 and php-fpm83 installed. Testing ctype from the php82 interactive shell will succeed, but ZM is using php-fpm83, and phpinfo() from an index.php lists ctype (which you might assume is installed) however ctype is listed as 'enable=shared' which I assume means you have to install the shared library for ctype.

ZM is not compiled with LibVNC support in 3.20

This is a missing feature, and should be resolved at some point in the future. This means source type:VNC will not work.