Release Notes for Alpine 3.19.0

From Alpine Linux
Revision as of 10:54, 27 November 2023 by Selfisekai (talk | contribs) (hashicorp now all removed, mention opentofu)

Base System


The /sbin/iptables{,-save,-restore} symlinks now point to xtables-nft-multi instead of xtables-legacy-multi. This means they use the nftables kernel backend instead of the legacy iptables one.

Since the new iptables- binaries also don't use the iptables backend, to work with any existing rules and save them, you need to install iptables-legacy and use iptables-legacy-save.

Because mixing backends is not supported, you should reboot your system if you have to use the iptables commands after upgrading.


The OpenRC package contains a patch to make it possible to start most services in netns namespaces. See also netns.


HashiCorp packages

Due to the relicensing of HashiCorp software to BUSL-1.1 (a non-Open-Source license) (link), Consul, Nomad, Packer, Vault, Terraform were removed from Alpine.

opentofu, a fork of Terraform might be available as a replacement.

Java 21

The latest LTS java release, openjdk21, is now available in the community repository.


KDE Applications have been upgraded from 23.04.x to 23.08.x. KDE Frameworks have been upgraded from 5.105.0 to 5.112.0. Note that the KDE Frameworks packages have been renamed to add a 5 suffix in preparation for the upcoming KDE 6 release in the next Alpine release. Everything should automatically be upgraded properly but if problems occur make sure to check if the right renamed packages are installed.