
From Alpine Linux
Revision as of 21:10, 16 June 2023 by Sertonix (talk | contribs) (mention PAM requirement for enviroment to work)

elogind is a login manager and provides support for

  • setting up necessary permissions for the desktop environment or window manager
  • handling poweroff, reboot, suspend and hibernate via loginctl command


# apk add elogind polkit-elogind

  1. rc-update add elogind
  2. rc-service elogind start



Edit /etc/elogind/logind.conf to configure handling of power events, such as suspending the computer when power button is pressed:

# sed -i 's|#HandlePowerKey=poweroff|HandlePowerKey=suspend|' /etc/elogind/logind.conf

Working with Desktop Environments

If using a Window Manager or Desktop Environment, such as Sway, the user must ensure that login session is correctly configured. When correctly configured, the loginctl command should output the following:

Using Sway and SDDM

~$ loginctl SESSION UID USER SEAT TTY c1 105 sddm seat0 c2 1000 User seat0 tty8 2 sessions listed.

If the output is No session available., such as in the case of launching Sway from tty, suspend and many other functionality will not work. The user then must configure a display manager such as greetd, SDDM or lightdm.


To use the XDG enviroment variables from elogind PAM has to be set up.

See also