Alpine Linux Handbook

From Alpine Linux
Revision as of 23:51, 4 August 2010 by Mattx86 (talk | contribs)

Note: This is a work in progress.

Table of Contents

1 About Alpine Linux

1.1 Why Another Distribution?
1.2 What's It Like?
1.3 Why Should I Try It?
1.4 What Do I Need to Know?
1.5 Why the Name Alpine?

2 Obtaining Alpine Linux

2.1 Choosing a Flavor
2.2 Download Alpine Linux

3 Installing Alpine Linux

4 First Boot

5 Managing Alpine Linux

5.1 Networking
5.1.1 IPv4 Configuration Static Addressing Dynamic Addressing
5.1.2 IPv6 Configuration Load ipv6 Kernel Module At Boot Static Addressing Stateless Autoconfiguration
5.2 Package Management
5.3 Init System
5.4 Local Backup (lbu)

6 Tutorials and Howtos