
From Alpine Linux
Revision as of 03:45, 19 January 2024 by Arrogance (talk | contribs)

eudev is a device manager that provides a drop-in replacement for systemd udev. It is therefore recommended for full blown desktop environments.


The easy way to setup eudev is through the setup script. For custom installation see the manually section. Note that a manual installation is only recommended for advanced users.

Setup Script

The alpine-conf package provides setup-devd to easily install and setup device managers.

Install alpine-conf if it is not already installed.

# apk add alpine-conf

Setup eudev.

# setup-devd udev


You need to install eudev itself and the udev services.

# apk add eudev udev-init-scripts

If you already have a device manager installed you need to stop it before you start eudev.

Then enable the services.

# rc-update add udev sysinit # rc-update add udev-trigger sysinit # rc-update add udev-settle sysinit # rc-update add udev-postmount default

If you are not running in a chroot you will also want to start eudev.

# rc-service udev start # rc-service udev-trigger start # rc-service udev-settle start # rc-service udev-postmount start


Warning: Disabling eudev without setting up a different device manager may cause unexpected issues. If you install a different device manager with the setup script this step is not needed.

If you are not running in a chroot you need to stop the service first.

# rc-service udev stop # rc-service udev-postmount stop

Then disable the services.

# rc-update delete udev sysinit # rc-update delete udev-trigger sysinit # rc-update delete udev-settle sysinit # rc-update delete udev-postmount default

You might also want to uninstall the packages since they are not used anymore.

# apk del eudev udev-init-scripts

See Also