Release Notes for Alpine 3.19.0
Base System
The /sbin/iptables{,-save,-restore}
symlinks now point to xtables-nft-multi instead of xtables-legacy-multi. This means they use the nftables kernel backend instead of the legacy iptables one.
Since the new iptables- binaries also don't use the iptables backend, to work with any existing rules and save them, you need to install iptables-legacy and use iptables-legacy-save
Because mixing backends is not supported, you should reboot your system if you have to use the iptables commands after upgrading.
The OpenRC package contains a patch to make it possible to start most services in netns namespaces. See also netns.
HashiCorp packages
Due to the relicensing of HashiCorp software to BUSL-1.1 (a non-Open-Source license) (link), Vault was removed from Alpine.