Setting up trac wiki

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This document describes how to set up a trac wiki.

Values and examples in this tutorial

The values tracadmin,, secret and various paths and project names used in this tutorial are just examples. In most cases you can change them to something that suits you.

Basic Trac installation and configuration

Installing Trac

Update apk repository and install trac

# apk add trac

Creating a Project Environment

We need to initiate a new environment

# trac-admin /var/lib/trac/myproject initenv

  • Enter some project name when prompted
  • Leave default sqlite DB (just press enter)

Configuring Authentication/Security

Create password-file

Initially you need to manually create a password file containing this information

# echo -n "" > /var/lib/trac/myproject/users.htdigest

  1. echo -n ""

Run the following command in case you are curious how the file looks like

# cat /var/lib/trac/myproject/users.htdigest

(You should see something that looks like

Assign admin-rights

Next is to give admin-rights to your tracadmin account

# trac-admin /var/lib/trac/myproject permission add tracadmin TRAC_ADMIN

Testing the Standalone Server

Lets test if your password-file and other configurations worked as they are supposed to.
In case something is broken, this test would give you a hint on what's wrong.

# tracd --port 80 --auth=*,/var/lib/trac/<i>myproject</i>/users.htdigest,<i></i> /var/lib/trac/<i>myproject</i>

Try connect to trac with webbrowser on

If it works as expected, you can kill the above command (using CTRL+C in the terminal where the command was started) and continue reading this tutorial.


Startup configuration

/etc/conf.d/tracd needs to be edited in order for tracd to start.

Contents of /etc/conf.d/tracd

... TRACD_PORT="8000" TRACD_OPTS="--auth=*,/var/lib/trac/<i>myproject</i>/users.htdigest,<i></i> /var/lib/trac/<i>myproject</i>"
Note: If you want to run tracd on port 80 (or some other port below 1024) you would need to modify the above config so that tracd is run as "root".
Tip: The file could be edited by executing this command: vi /etc/conf.d/tracd

File/folder permissions

Set file/folder permissions for the tracd user.

# chown -R tracd:tracd /var/lib/trac

Manually start

Now it's time to fire up your trac.

# rc-service tracd start

(By this time you should be able to browse your tracd with a webbrowser pointed to

Atomatically start at next boot

Make it start during boot.

# rc-update add tracd

Save your configuration

Now would be a good time make sure your configuration stays permanent. You wouldn't want to loose everything at next reboot.
Depending on how you setup your alpine host, this procedure is done differently.

When running from CD

If you are running alpine from a CD (as I did when writing this tutorial) you might want to save your configuration to a USB-mem.
But in order to backup the /var/lib/trac projects you would need to tell apk to take a copy of the running project(s). (see Alpine local backup#Execute a script as part of a backup about details on how such scripts are created)

In short: We create /etc/lbu/pre-package.d/tracd with the following content

Contents of /etc/lbu/pre-package.d/tracd

#!/bin/sh TRACPATH=/var/lib/trac BACKUPPATH=/etc/trac/backup mkdir -p ${BACKUPPATH} for i in $(ls ${TRACPATH}); do trac-admin ${TRACPATH}/${i} hotcopy ${BACKUPPATH}/${i} done

And then we make the script executable

# chmod +x /etc/lbu/pre-package.d/tracd

When running from HDD install

When using a HDD installed alpine, everything is written to HDD so you would not need to take any extra steps to save it permanent (except you might want to take backups in case your HDD gets broken).

Finished installing a basic trac system

If you only want a basic trac system you have now reached your goal.
Everything from now on is more or less optional.
If you are not in too much hurry I would suggest you continue reading below - you might find some things useful!

Tip: Continue reading this tutorial!


To create a backup of a live TracEnvironment, simply run:

# trac-admin /var/lib/trac/myproject hotcopy /path/to/backupdir

Additional configuration and modifications

Advanced settings

/var/lib/trac/myproject/conf/trac.ini holds various settings that you might want to go through.
In order for those changes to take effect you would need to restart tracd

# rc-service tracd restart

Running single or multiple projects

Multiple projects

Follow the steps mentioned in the above Creating a Project Environment and Configuring Authentication/Security sections to create a new project.
You might also need to change permissions for your newly created project - see File/folder permissions section for details.

Next you would need to modify /etc/conf.d/tracd in order to have multiple projects running on your trac server.
Personally I just added a line with the new TRACD_OPTS pointing to my new project:

Contents of /etc/conf.d/tracd

... TRACD_OPTS="--auth=*,/var/lib/trac/<i>myproject</i>/users.htdigest,<i></i> /var/lib/trac/<i>myproject</i>" TRACD_OPTS="$TRACD_OPTS --auth=*,/var/lib/trac/<i>myproject2</i>/users.htdigest,<i></i> /var/lib/trac/<i>myproject2</i>" <nowiki>}} ==== Single project ==== If you know that you only want one project you could add <code>--single-env</code> to the {{path|/etc/conf.d/tracd}} config-file.<BR> Modify the <code>TRACD_OPTS</code> parameter adding the </code>--single-env</code> value to it (see example below): {{cat|/etc/conf.d/tracd|<nowiki>... TRACD_OPTS="--single-env --auth=*,/var/lib/trac/<i>myproject</i>/users.htdigest,<i></i> /var/lib/trac/<i>myproject</i>" ...

When running as single-env you will automatically be routed to your trac-project instead of being presented a list of the available projects.

Install useful addons (trac hacks)


In order to install trac-hacks you would need to install some additional applications.

# apk add py-setuptools subversion python-dev

Tip: When you are done installing various trac-hacks you could try to uninstall the above packages using apk del to free memory.
You will notice in case some other program needs them and you will be prevented from uninstalling the package.
During installation

During installation of a trac hack, you might get prompted about some certificate validity. Accept it to continue installation.

After applying a trac hack

When a trac hack is installed you will need to restart tracd before you can start configuring and using it.

# rc-service tracd restart

Configuring a trac hack

When the trac hack is installed and tracd is rebooted you can browse to tracd and logon with your tracadmin account.
You should see a [Admin] option in the menu.
From the 'Admin' console you will find 'Plugins' from the Administration menu.

Start managing your plugins (you would most likely need to consult when doing your modifications/configuration of the various trac hacks).

Account Manager Plugin

Account Manager Plugin is used to manage accounts by using tracd interface instead of manually modify the users.htdigest file as we did when installing trac (

# easy_install-2.7


GIT version control plugin for Trac 0.12 (

# easy_install-2.7


Useful plugin to tag various pages/tickets/etc. You can use the 'tags' to find and sort your information (

# easy_install-2.7

After you installed the plugin, restarted tracd and activated the plugin-components you will need to upgrade your project by issuing the following command

# trac-admin /var/lib/trac/myproject upgrade


There are lots of various plugins.
Have a look at to find something that suits your needs.

Version control

Trac can do version control using subversion or git.

Subversion repository

Todo: This 'Subversion repository' section is not complete. It needs some additional testing and documentation.

We need to install subversion

# apk add subversion

Create a svn repository

# mkdir /var/lib/subversion # svnadmin create /var/lib/subversion/<i>myproject</i>

Next we need to tell trac to view/show this repository.