Setting up trac wiki

From Alpine Linux
Revision as of 12:33, 31 December 2008 by Mhavela (talk | contribs) (→‎Installing programs: python-dev needed for 'setuptools')

Initial Setup

This document is based on alpine-1.7.29 and should also be compatible with newer version of alpine.

Follow Installing Alpine instructions on how to setup alpine.

Installing programs

 apk_add trac
 apk_add python-dev

Note: 'python-dev' needs to be dependency for 'setuptools'.

General notes on this tutorial

In this tutorial we use these settings. These values will re-appear in various places in the upcoming example.
You can use whatever settings you like.

Path to project: /root/myproject
Username: tractester
Password: secret
Password file: /root/myproject/users.realm

Installing Trac

 easy_install trac

Creating a Project Environment

Now lets initiate the environment

 trac-admin /root/myproject initenv
  • Enter some project name when prompted
  • Leave svn-path empty (se note below)

Important: When prompted about svn, don't enter any value!
alpine-1.7.29 is missing svn support for trac (standard svn support works though).

Configuring Authentication/Security

Create password-file

You need to create a password file containing this information

 echo -e "\c" | md5sum - >> /root/myproject/users.htdigest

Now you need to edit the passwordfile '/root/myproject/users.htdigest' and append the username and realm in plaintext.

Note: Note that you need to remove the "-" and whitespaces at the end of the row!


Next is to give admin-rights to your 'tractester' account

 trac-admin /root/myproject permission add tractester TRAC_ADMIN

Running/Testing the Standalone Server

Lets test if your password-file and other configurations worked as they are supposed to.
In case something is broken, this test would give you a hint on what's wrong.

 tracd --port 8000 --auth=*,/root/myproject/users.htdigest, /root/myproject

Note: You could use a WebBrowser to see the 'trac' page while above process is running.


Edit '/etc/conf.d/tracd' and configure your variables

TRACD_OPTS="--auth=*,/root/myproject/users.htdigest, /root/myproject"

Note: Above user/group should probably not be 'root'.


Now you could start customizing your trac by editing '/root/myproject/conf/trac.ini'.


Now it's time to fire up your trac.

 /etc/init.d/tracd start


It might be wise to configure your tracd to autostart at next reboot

rc_add -vk tracd

It might also be wise to make sure you don't lose your '/root/myproject' files when your alpine is rebooted.
This could be done by adding '/root/myproject' to your apkovl

 lbu_include /root/myproject

or you could mount a disk on '/root/myproject'.

Note: And it would probably be wise to use other settings/filenames/folders than in this tutorial.