Relay email to gmail (msmtp, mailx, sendmail
If you're running an alpine from stick and need a way for your program to alert you through a standard gmail account
Install msmtp
sudo apk add msmtp
Create a global configuration, "/etc/msmtprc" with content
# Set default values for all following accounts. defaults auth on tls on tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt syslog on # Gmail account gmail host port 587 from <your email> user <your gmail account> password <your password> # Set a default account account default : gmail aliases /etc/aliases
Note: Please note I've used the syslog on to send msmtp log to syslog, yet you can use the logfile <log_file_path> if you prefer to log to a file
Note: Please note the aliases /etc/aliases, this will help for mail/sendmail to redirect email to local user (like root) to an external email
Sendmail alias
By default alpine comes with busybox sendmail, msmtp can act as a sendmail alternative including syntax and option, there I create a local.d script to overwrite the busybox link to msmtp.
Create a file "/etc/local.d/msmtp-sendmail.start" with below content:
#!/bin/sh ln -sf /usr/bin/msmtp /usr/sbin/sendmail
Make it executable
sudo chmod +x /etc/local.d/msmtp-sendmail.start
and run it first time through
sudo /etc/local.d/msmtp-sendmail.start
Mailx and aliases
Install mailx for program that uses mail (like apcupsd for monitoring UPS events)
sudo apk add mailx
Create an "/etc/aliases" file with content:
root: <your external email where all email to root will be sent> default: <default email>
Test an email, run
echo -e "Subject: Do you love alpine?\nYes, I do!\n" | msmtp root
Note: root only work if you've setup /etc/aliases, otherwise put any email adress you can check instead of root
Saving the configuration
sudo lbu ci
Hope it helps.