Setting up NRPE daemon
Install daemon:
apk add nrpe && rc-update add nrpe default
Set up config file to bind to local IP, only allow needed hosts to connect (in /etc/nrpe.cfg):
server_address= allowed_hosts=,
Add a definition for a check command to /etc/nrpe.cfg, for example:
Create the above script, and populate:
##!/bin/bash ## NUMROUTES=`ip route | grep -n | awk -F ':' '{print $1}' | tail -n 1` if [[ $NUMROUTES > 80 ]]; then echo "OK: $NUMROUTES routes in routing table" && exit 0; elif [[ $NUMROUTES < 80 ]] && [[ $NUMROUTES > 15 ]]; then echo "WARNING: $NUMROUTES routes in routing table" && exit 1; elif $NUMROUTES = "" ; then echo "WARNING: No routing information received" && exit 1; else echo "CRITICAL: $NUMROUTES routes in routing table" && exit 2; fi
Restart NRPE. Allow port 5666 (or whatever port you've specified for nrpe in /etc/nrpe.cfg) through Shorewall (in /etc/shorewall/rules) through to monitoring hosts. On the monitoring host, run the following command to test, where is the IP of the host to monitor:
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H -p 5666 -c check_routes
You should get output like:
OK: 173 routes in routing table
If you are having trouble, enable debugging in /etc/nrpe.cfg, and check /var/log/messages for errors. Most likely error(s) has to do with permissions of what you are trying to execute.
Example of monitoring opennhrp connection:
#!/bin/bash # $1 is hostname to check if `echo $1` == "" ; then echo "Hostname must be specified as argument" && exit 1; fi ping -c 1 -w 5 $1 > /dev/null HOSTOUTPUT="`host $1`" HOSTNETWORK="`echo $HOSTOUTPUT | awk -F ' ' '{print $NF}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1"."$2}'`" ROUTETONETWORK="`ip route | grep $HOSTNETWORK'\.'`" NEXTHOP="`echo $ROUTETONETWORK | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}'`" TUNNELSTATUS="`/usr/sbin/opennhrpctl show | grep -A 3 $NEXTHOP | grep Flags | awk -F ' ' '{print $NF}'`" echo $TUNNELSTATUS