
From Alpine Linux
Revision as of 17:28, 12 December 2024 by Prabuanand (talk | contribs) (Reworded the instructions)

Users of Alpine Linux wiki must understand the following conventions when reading the wiki pages.

Root and normal user

The numeral or hash sign (#) indicates that the command needs to be run as root:

# rc-service swap start

The dollar sign ($) shows that the command can be run as a regular user.

$ rc-service swap status

Refer User Accounts for more information on root and regular user.

Packages and their Installation

Alpine Linux packages stay close to the upstream design. Therefore, all upstream documentation about configuring a software package, as well as good configuration guides from other distributions that stay close to upstream, e.g. those in the ArchWiki, or Gentoo wiki are to a large degree, also applicable to configuring the software on Alpine Linux, thus can be very useful.

Packages in the Alpine Linux Repositories are indicated as follows less which links to package database. If you find an instruction to install the package less, then the following command must be issued:

# apk add less

Refer apk page for other options.