Setting up a LLDAP server

From Alpine Linux
Revision as of 16:14, 1 October 2024 by Jhjacobs81 (talk | contribs)


LLDAP is a small LDAP server designed for directory services without the overhead of a full blown OpenLDAP server. LLDAP server is designed for easy management using a simple web gui. It lacks some of the features found in other directory servers, because its specificly designed for easy use.


Installing LLDAP is fairly simple and can be done in less then 5 minutes. start by logging in as root:

doas su -

Then we make sure the system is up to date and install wget:

apk update && apk upgrade && apk add wget

Then we make the directory for LLDAP to live in and install the software:

mkdir /opt/lldap && cd /opt/lldap

wget && tar xzf amd64-lldap.tar.gz && mv amd64-lldap/* . && rn -rf amd64-lldap


To configure LLDAP we have to create a config file, and an rc file to start it automaticly upon boot:

cat <<EOF > /opt/lldap/lldap_config.toml ldap_port = 3890 http_port = 17170 http_url = "https://domain.tld" jwt_secret = "very-long-string" ldap_base_dn = "dc=domain,dc=tld" ldap_user_dn = "admin" ldap_user_email = "admin@domain.tld" ldap_user_pass = "very-strong-password" database_url = "sqlite:///opt/lldap/users.db?mode=rwc" key_seed = "random-string-again" [smtp_options] #enable_password_reset=true #server="" #port=587 #smtp_encryption = "TLS" #user="" #password="password" #from="LLDAP Admin <>" #reply_to="Do not reply <noreply@localhost>" [ldaps_options] #enabled=true #port=6360 ## Certificate file. #cert_file="/data/cert.pem" ## Certificate key file. #key_file="/data/key.pem" EOF

Replace domain.tld with your chose domain name. Next we need to create an openrc file so we can automaticly start lldap:

cat <<EOF > /etc/init.d/lldap #!/sbin/openrc-run name=lldap command="/opt/lldap/lldap" command_args="run" command_background="yes" pidfile="/run/" depend() { need net } start_pre() { cd /opt/lldap } EOF

This is not an extensive file, but it gets you running and ensures lldap starts and works correctly. Now we need to add it to the default runlevel and start the service

chmod +x /etc/init.d/lldap && rc-update add lldap


To use LLDAP we can browse to http://<ip>:17170 and login with the credentials we specified in the config file.

This is a basic configuration. You can now connect other services that support ldap logins to LLDAP.


  • Some troubleshooting information
