This page is used to describe the ppc64le port.
Missing packages:
aiccu apg asterisk chrony cmocka collectd compiler-rt dtc exiv2 freeradius garcon gd gdb gnu-efi libgsasl libquvi-scripts linux-vanilla lua-xml luajit ncftp opensmtpd perl-carp-clan php5 pmacct py-curl py-imaging qemu sdl2 ser2net smokeping strace valgrind weechat x265 xf86-video-rendition
afl aqbanking audit captagent corkscrew dante dash drawterm dspam etckeeper exim grub hitch jpegoptim libcypher-parser libgnomecanvas libmhash lldb lxappearance-obconf mlocate mxml ndctl opensips ossec-hids perl-autobox perl-www-curl py-flake8-class py-sphinxcontrib-programoutput qperf rapidjson silc-client slrn thermald timew w_scan wmi-client xbps
cfengine (*) chicken geany-plugins (*) gns3-server go-bootstrap irssi-xmpp libevhtp libtermkey makepasswd monitoring-plugins mumudvb nodejs-current obnam ocaml openblas opencl-icd-loader openjdk7 openlibm perl-data-denter perl-log-dispatch-config perl-term-progressbar psmisc py-greenlet py-pygit2 py-sphinx-autobuild raptor2 shadow vigra xbindkeys yersinia