Include:Using Internet Repositories for apk-tools

From Alpine Linux
Revision as of 12:59, 13 November 2013 by Ginjachris (talk | contribs)

Edit the /etc/apk/repositories file using an editor (nano for instance) and if necessary, add references to the Alpine package repositories. In the example below, the reference to the Alpine CD is maintained, so that if the requested package is available on the local media, it will be obtained from there instead of being downloaded from the remote repository:

Contents of /etc/apk/repositories


Only one repository is shown above; however, you may also replace with any of the mirrors below (if you wish to use another version, also replace v2.6 with the desired version); for example, if upgrading from version 2.6 to 2.7 simply change to

After updating the repositories file, obtain the latest index of available packages:

apk update

Tip: Adding the -U/--update-cache to another apk command, as in apk add -U ... or apk upgrade -U, has the same effect as running apk update before the other apk command.