How to make a custom ISO image
This document explains how to build a custom ISO image using the alpine-iso scripts.
First make sure we have the needed tools
apk add alpine-sdk
Then we clone (or update) the alpine-iso git repository.
git clone git://
The alpine-iso scripts is a simple makefile which you need to feed with a <name> file and a <name>.packages.
In the <name> we specify
- name of iso image
- (optional) version string. Will default to todays date.
- (opional) either grsec, vserver or pae. Will default to grsec.
- (optional) Extra kernel module packages for the modloop image. For example: dahdi-linux-vserver
The <name>.packages is just a plaintext list of packages that should be included in the iso. You should always add alpine-base in there or the CD migh not be able to boot. The dependencies for the packages will automatically be pulled in.
A rescue CD example
As an example, let us make a rescue ISO with packages needed for rescue operations. We call it alpine-rescue
We create the as follows:
ALPINE_NAME := alpine-rescue KERNEL_FLAVOR := grsec MODLOOP_EXTRA :=
And then the alpine-rescue.packages as:
alpine-base bkeymaps openssh e2fsprogs mdadm lvm2 parted debootstrap ntfs-3g
Make sure the apk index is up to date (so apk finds the packages):
apk update
We create the ISO image by telling the makefile the profile name. The makefile target is iso.
make PROFILE=alpine-rescue iso
To generate the sha1 sum we use the sha1 make target.
make PROFILE=alpine-rescue sha1