
From Alpine Linux
Revision as of 12:36, 21 May 2009 by Djhughes (talk | contribs) (minor)
## Send the user usefull info in the notification email
FROM="`awk '/^[Ff][Rr][Oo][Mm]:/' $EMAIL`"
SUBJECT="`awk '/[Ss][Uu][Bb][Jj][Ee][Cc][Tt]:/' $EMAIL`"
## Logfile to log status to
## From email address where the notification email comes from
## Email address to send a copy of the virus/spam email to
exec 1>>"$LOGFILE"
exec 2>>"$LOGFILE"
notify_user() {
        echo "HELO `hostname -f`"
        echo "MAIL FROM:<$MAILFROM>"
        for RCPT in "$RECIPIENTS"; do
        echo "RCPT TO:<$RCPT>"
        echo "RCPT TO:<$RECIPIENTS>"
        echo "DATA"
        sleep 1
        echo "Subject: Mail system notification"
        echo "Dear user,"
        echo ""
        echo "A virus or spam email has been found by the mail system."
        echo "We have gathered the following information for you:"
        echo ""
        echo "Date: `date`"
        echo "$FROM"
        echo "$SUBJECT"
        echo "Virus/spam name: $VIRUS"
        echo ""
        echo "If you think this is incorrect, please notify your administrator at once."
        echo ""
        echo "Best regards,"
        echo ""
        echo "Your mail administrator"
        echo "."
        echo "quit"
send_virus() {
        echo "HELO `hostname -f`"
        echo "MAIL FROM:<$MAILFROM>"
        echo "RCPT TO:<$QUARANTAINE>"
        echo "DATA"
        sleep 1
        cat "$EMAIL"
        echo "."
        echo "quit"
notify_user | nc localhost 10026
send_virus | nc localhost 10026
rm "$EMAIL"