
From Alpine Linux
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What is phpizabi?

PHPizabi is one of the most powerful social networking platforms on the planet. With literally thousands of websites powered by PHPizabi including everything from simple friends sites to the most complex networking super sites out there. Easy to install, use, and raising the bar on what it is to provide a reliable, fast, social networking package to raise your business to the next level.

Set up phpizabi on Alpine Linux

This document will be a quick c/p guide to setup phpizabi on Alpine linux. What we will setup is the following:

  • Lighttpd with PHP
  • Mysql
  • phpizabi

Install lighttpd, PHP and MySql

apk add lighttpd mysql mysql-client php-mysql php-mysqli php php-sqlite php-imap php-xml php-pdo php-json php-xml php-gd php-pdo_mysql

Configuring Lighttpd

Edit lighttpd.conf

nano +46 /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

Uncomment lines:

uncoment    include "mod_fastcgi.conf", save and exit

Starting lighttpd

Starting http service and adding to boot

 /etc/init.d/lighttpd start && rc-update add lighttpd default

Configuring MySql

/usr/bin/mysql_install_db --user=mysql
/etc/init.d/mysql start && rc-update add mysql default
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'password'

Create the phpizabi database

mysql -u root -p
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON phpizabi.* TO "root";

Installing and configuring phpizabi

Install phpizabi


cd /tmp



Change Folder

mv PHPizabi_0.848b_C1\ HFP1/ /etc/phpizabi
mv /etc/phpizabi/PHPizabi\ 0.848b\ C1/* /etc/phpizabi/
rm -R /etc/phpizabi/PHPizabi\ 0.848b\ C1/

Change Folder Persmissions

 chmod -R 777 /etc/phpizabi/

Make Symlink to the phpizabi folder

 ln -s /etc/phpizabi/ /var/www/localhost/htdocs/phpizabi

Configuring phpizabi

Browse to: http://WEBSERVER_IP_ADDRESS/phpizabi and Install phpizabi completing the information as appropriate from the web browser.

phpizabi Installation steps:


Review License Agreement

1 - Please review the license agreement before you install the software.

	I have read and I agree to the PHPizabi end user license agreement

2 - System Integrity Check

3 - Database Information

4 - Set up database

Please fill in the form below

Database Information

  • Please fill in the form below
MySQL Database Information
Tables prefix: 	dontchange
Database Username: 	root
Database Password: 	password
Hostname: 	localhost
Database name: 	phpizabi
 	Attempt to create the database if it doesn't exist

5 - Database Structure Creation

This step will create your database structure. Please stand by while in the creation process. Continue

6 - Admin Account Creation

Please fill in the form below to create your administrative account Administrator information Username: Email Address: Password:

Submit, Continue, Finish.

Review the messages above before visiting your new site. You have phpizabi social networking platform installed, to access go to http://WEBSERVER_IP_ADDRESS/phpizabi and enjoy!