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NetworkManager is a program that provides automatic detection and configuration for systems to connect to networks.


# apk add networkmanager


Networkmanager needs to have udev to be setup properly. The busybox implementation mdev is not sufficient. You can set up proper udev with:

# setup-devd udev

Otherwise your network devices can be listed as (strictly-)unmanaged.

There are multiple interfaces available for NetworkManager:

You will need to install an additional package if you want NetworkManager to connect to wifi:

# apk add networkmanager-wifi

After installation start NetworkManager:

# rc-service networkmanager start

Then set it to autostart the service on boot:

# rc-update add networkmanager default

Also your user needs to be in the plugdev group:

# adduser <YourUsername> plugdev

Note: you will need to log out for the new group to take effect

Wireless networks

wpa_supplicant backend

Todo: (KDE Plasma Desktop) find out if it is possible to prevent requesting the password for KDE Wallet on login

Note: wpa_supplicant configuration might not be required, if it isnt it may be a good idea to have it setup just as a fallback

Now open /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf in a text editor and change it to something like this:

Contents of /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

[main] dhcp=internal plugins=ifupdown,keyfile [ifupdown] managed=true [device] wifi.scan-rand-mac-address=yes wifi.backend=wpa_supplicant
Note: if these options dont work on your system you can change them as necessary

Now you need to stop conflicting services:

# rc-service networking stop

# rc-service wpa_supplicant stop

Now restart NetworkManager:

# rc-service networkmanager restart

Now connect to a network using one of the interfaces mentioned in Installation

If that connects and stays connected with no issues enable the networkmanager service and disable the networking and wpa_supplicant boot services:

# rc-update add networkmanager

# rc-update del networking boot

# rc-update del wpa_supplicant boot

iwd backend

NetworkManager supports wireless networks through iwd, however, consider existing issues before using it. After installation, enable the server and restart NetworkManager:

rc-service iwd start
rc-service networkmanager restart

To use iwd though, you've have to edit NetworkManager's configuration because it still defaults to wpa_supplicant instead. Add the following to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf:


VPN support

Since version 1.16, NetworkManager has support for Wireguard[1].

Support for other VPN types is provided by plugins. They are provided in the following packages:


not authorized to control networking

You can enable all users to edit connections without adding polkit. First, make the conf.d directory for networkmanager:

# mkdir -p /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d

Then, add following content to /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/any-user.conf:


Finally, restart networkmanager:

# rc-service networkmanager restart