
From Alpine Linux
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For abuild a public/private rsa key pair is needed. abuild-keygen does the generation of those keys for you.

abuild-keygen -a -i

abuild-keygen options

  • -a Set PACKAGER_PRIVKEY=<generated key> in abuild.conf
  • -i Install public key into /etc/apk/keys using sudo
  • -h Show this help
  • -n Non-interactive. Use defaults
  • -q Quiet mode

Creating keys manually

In older versions of Alpine, we had to manually create keys for signing packages and indexes. This explains how. Nowadays you can just use abuild-keygen.

Since the public key needs to be unique for each developer, the email address should be used as name for the public key.

Create the private key:

openssl genrsa -out emailaddress.priv 2048

Tip: Append -aes256 if you want it encrypted, but then you'll need to enter the password for every package you sign

Create the public key:

openssl rsa -in emailaddress.priv -pubout -out /etc/apk/keys/emailaddress

The public key should be distributed and installed into /etc/apk/keys on the alpine box that will install the packages. This basically means that the main developer's public keys should be in /etc/apk/keys on all Alpine boxes.