High Availability High Performance Web Cache: Difference between revisions

From Alpine Linux
(→‎HA Proxy Load Balancer: additional infor on balance roundrobin and balance source)
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   server cache4 check
   server cache4 check
If your squid caches have public, routeable IP addresses, you may wish to change the balance algorithm to <code>source</code>.  Some web applications get confused when a client's IP address changes between requests.  Using <code>balance source</code> load balances clients across all web proxies,  but once a client is assigned to a specific proxy, it continues to use that proxy.
* make sure you have the haproxy user and group  
* make sure you have the haproxy user and group  
  adduser -s /bin/false -D -h /dev/null -H haproxy
  adduser -s /bin/false -D -h /dev/null -H haproxy

Revision as of 16:28, 1 March 2011

This material is work-in-progress ...

Do not follow instructions here until this notice is removed.
(Last edited by Nangel on 1 Mar 2011.)


This document explains how to use HAProxy and ucarp to provide high performance and high-availability services.

In this document we will use the Squid web cache as the example service. Squid typically uses only a single processor, even on a multi-processor machine. To get increased web-caching performance, it is better to scale the web cache out across multiple (cheap) physical boxes. Although web caching is used as the example service, this document applies to other services, such as mail, web acceleration, etc.

Network Diagram

In the end, we will have an architecture that looks like this:

The workstations all connect to the HAProxy instance at is a virtual IP controlled by ucarp; that is, HAProxy runs on one of the web cache servers at any given time, but any of the web caches can be the HAProxy instance.

HAProxy distributes the web traffic across all live web cache servers, which cache the resources from the Internet.


  • The HAProxy server in the diagram is 'virtual' - it represents the service running on any of the web cache servers
  • Each web cache server is configured as a mirror of the others - this simplifies adding additional capacity.
  • HAProxy will ignore servers that have either failed or been taken offline, and notices when they are returned to service
  • This configuration allows individual servers to be upgraded or modified in a "rolling blackout", with no downtime for users.
  • Ucarp automatically restarts the HAProxy service on another cache if the server running HAProxy crashes. This is automatic recovery with typically less than 3 seconds of downtime from the clients perspective.

Initial Services

The first step in getting high-availability is to have more than one server; do the following on each of cache1-4

  • install squid
apk add squid
  • create a minimal /etc/squid/squid.conf
acl all src all
acl localhost src
acl localnet src     # RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src  # RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network 

icp_port 3130
icp_access allow all

cache_peer sibling 8080 3130
cache_peer sibling 8080 3130
cache_peer sibling 8080 3130
cache_peer sibling 8080 3130

http_access allow localnet
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all

http_port 8080

forwarded_for off
Warning: This is a minimal configuration for demonstration purposes only. Likely you will need to configure more restrictive ACLs

The icp and cache_peer entries allow all four squid server to share cached information. Once one server has retrieved an item, the others can get the information from the local server instead of reterieving it themselves.

  • ensure squid starts on boot
rc_update add squid
/etc/init.d/squid start

At this point, you should be able to set your browser to use any of[1-4]:3129 as a proxy address, and get to the Internet. Because this config file does not use any optimizations, browsing will be slower than normal. This is to be expected. Any optimizations to the squid configuration you make to one server can be applied to all in the array. The purpose of this example is to show that the service is uniform across the array.

Ucarp Virtual IP Manager

Ucarp runs on all the servers and makes sure that a virtual IP address is available. In the example diagram we use the virtual IP of

  • The AlpineLinux ucarp init script expects it is run on a multi-homed machine; with the ability to run ucarp processes on each interface. Copy the scripts for the interface:
apk add ucarp
ln -s /etc/init.d/ucarp /etc/init.d/ucarp.eth0
cp /etc/conf.d/ucarp /etc/conf.d/ucarp.eth0
  • edit the /etc/conf/ucarp.eth0 file:
  • Create etc/ucarp/vip-up-eth0.sh
 # Add the VIP address
 ip addr add $2/24 dev $1
 for a in 330 440 550; do beep -f $a -l 100; done
  • Create /etc/ucarp/vip-down-eth0.sh

 # Remove the VIP address
 ip addr del $2/24 dev $1

 for a in 550 440 330; do beep -f $a -l 100; done
  • Make the scripts executable
chmod +x /etc/ucarp/*.sh
  • Start ucarp and save the changes
 rc-update add ucarp.eth0
 /etc/init.d/ucarp.eth0 start
 lbu commit
  • Follow the above steps for each of the Cache servers.

Once it is running on each server, unplug the network cable on each server in turn. After a couple seconds, the tone should sound on the other boxes as they hold an election to select a new master. (Note, all boxes will briefly become master, and then the others will quickly demote themselves.) You should be able to ping no matter which server is elected master.

HA Proxy Load Balancer

The HA Load Balancer:

  • Automatically distributes requests across the web caches
  • Automatically detects when a cache changes state, and disables or re-enables sending requests to it.

  • Install haproxy on each of the web caches.
apk add haproxy
  • We are using haproxy as a simple tcp load balancer, so we don't need the advanced http options. The following is a simple `/etc/haproxy.cfg` file
  uid haproxy
  gid haproxy
  chroot /var/empty

  # 30 minutes of waiting for a web request is crazy, 
  # but some users do it, and then complain the proxy
  # broke the interwebs.
  timeout client 30m
  timeout server 30m 
  # If the server doesnt respond in 4 seconds its dead
  timeout connect 4s

listen http_proxy
  mode tcp
  balance roundrobin
  server cache1 check
  server cache2 check
  server cache3 check
  server cache4 check

If your squid caches have public, routeable IP addresses, you may wish to change the balance algorithm to source. Some web applications get confused when a client's IP address changes between requests. Using balance source load balances clients across all web proxies, but once a client is assigned to a specific proxy, it continues to use that proxy.

  • make sure you have the haproxy user and group
adduser -s /bin/false -D -h /dev/null -H haproxy
  • Do not start haproxy or add it to the rc scripts; we will do that later.
  • Do the above steps for cache2-4; Note that `/etc/haproxy.cfg` is exactly the same for all instances.
  • On the cache that currently owns the ucarp address
/etc/init.d/haproxy start
  • Change your browser to use as the proxy address.
    • You should be able to browse the Internet
    • Your browsing should be distributed across all 4 squid servers

Enabling the HA Service

After following the above instructions, you should have the following in place:

  • Squid is running on each of the web caches
    • You can connect to each web cache by ip address and browse the internet
  • ucarp is running on all instances
    • You can ping
    • If you unplug the ethernet cable to the box serving, another takes its place
  • haproxy is configured on each cache server, but is not running

  • Update `etc/ucarp/vip-up-eth0.sh` on each server to include a statement to start haproxy
 # Add the VIP address
 ip addr add $2/24 dev $1

 /etc/init.d/haproxy start
 for a in 330 440 550; do beep -f $a -l 100; done
  • Update `etc/ucarp/vip-down-eth0.sh` on each server to include a statement to stop haproxy

 /etc/init.d/haproxy stop

 # Remove the VIP address
 ip addr del $2/24 dev $1

 for a in 550 440 330; do beep -f $a -l 100; done
  • Save the changes
 lbu commit