
From Alpine Linux
Revision as of 01:21, 20 April 2012 by Ncopa (talk | contribs) (add a link that explains what gitolite is)

The installation of gitolite is relatively easy on alpine Linux. Bellow is the method to install gitolite on a user account.

  1. Log into root user
  2. "apk add perl"
  3. "apk add bash"
  4. "apk add git"
  5. "apk add nano"
  6. adduser -s /bin/bash -S
  7. su - git
  8. On your local machine make a ssh key "ssh-keygen -t"
  9. Next run "scp ~/.ssh/" on your local machine
  10. On the remote machine type "git clone git://"
  11. gitolite/src/gl-system-install
  12. you will receive an error message, to fix add the path it gives you in a new file called .bash_profile. "nano /home/git/.bash_profile"
  13. add the line and save Ctrl+X
  14. logout and then back into the git user
  15. "gl-setup"
  16. on your local machine you can now "git clone"
  17. on your local machine you can now edit your config files then commit them and push them back to the server

Im a brand new alpine user and was able to get it working using the above instructions, hope this will help someone else!