2600hz: Difference between revisions

From Alpine Linux
(minor updates)
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== private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm ==
Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
== private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm ==
Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
== private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm ==
Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
== private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm ==
Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
== private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm ==
Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]
[[http://ultra-high-end.com/custom-made.html private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]]

Revision as of 03:10, 7 March 2016

blue.box is an open source GUI for administration and configuration of FreeSWITCH and Asterisk based VoIP systems. It supports multi-tenancy and skinning, and is completely modular.

Install Lighttpd

Basic Installation

For installing the additional packages first activate community packages and update the package index

Install the required packages:

# apk add lighttpd php82 fcgi php82-cgi

Configure Lighttpd

Edit lighttpd.conf (/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf) and uncomment the line:

Contents of /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

... include "mod_fastcgi.conf" ...

Edit mod_fastcgi.conf (/etc/lighttpd/mod_fastcgi.conf), find and change /usr/bin/php-cgi to /usr/bin/php-cgi82.

Contents of /etc/lighttpd/mod_fastcgi.conf

... "bin-path" => "/usr/bin/php-cgi82" # php-cgi ...

Start lighttpd service and add it to default runlevel

# rc-service lighttpd start # rc-update add lighttpd default

Configuring postgresql

apk add postgresql postgresql-client git /etc/init.d/postgresql setup

Starting http service and adding to boot

/etc/init.d/postgresql start && rc-update add postgresql default

Installing FreeSwitch

First use apk to install the needed software parts.

apk add freeswitch freeswitch-flite freeswitch-sounds-en-us-callie-8000 freeswitch-sample-config

Change the permissions of /etc/freeswitch/

chown lighttpd:lighttpd /etc/freeswitch/ chmod 777 -R /etc/freeswitch/


Starting http and sql server and adding to boot

/etc/init.d/postgresql setup /etc/init.d/postgresql start && rc-update add postgresql default /etc/init.d/lighttpd start && rc-update add lighttpd default

Installing 2600hz

Create a webapps folder

mkdir /usr/share/webapps/ -p

Checkout the source code from the git repository

cd /usr/share/webapps/ git clone git://source.2600hz.org/bluebox.git bluebox/

Change the folder permissions

chmod -R 777 /usr/share/webapps/bluebox

Create a symlink to the create directory

ln -s /usr/share/webapps/bluebox/ /var/www/localhost/htdocs/bluebox

Configuring bluebox

Log on your bluebox

Browse to: http://WEBSERVER_IP_ADDRESS/bluebox and start configuration.

  • Welcome to Bluebox 1.0 Setup Wizard

Accept Terms and Conditions Next

  • Initial Configuration

Select pqsl as database server, bluebox as database name, postgres as user, no password Set Default Timezone

Note: Set Port to 3306 (for mysql); see - http://tickets.2600hz.org/browse/BLUEBOX-445


  • Create Main Administrator

Master Administration Account

Email Address:youremail@yourserver.net Password:adminpassword Confirm Password:adminpassword


  • Telephony Engine

In Telephony Configuration

Conf Directory: /etc/freeswitch

Global Sound File Directory: /usr/sounds


Conflicting configuration files will be permanently erased if you continue!


  • Installation

Ready to Install


After that you will see Click here to use Bluebox 1.0!

And you finish you Bluesbox installation.

Note: If you are using the Alpine ACF, or if you change the port in the lighttpd.conf file, the go to the port you set. e.g: if you set the port to 8080, then browse to: http://WEBSERVER_IP_ADDRESS:8080/bluebox

Note: Needs PHP DOM package (apk add php-dom)

Note: This documentation need some minor fixes.

private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

Offers private label cosmetics with custom design. We produce lip balms, serum, creams and more. Easy to buy with eshop. Private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]

[private label cosmetics, custom made cosmetic, custom made cream, custom lip stick lip balm]