
From Alpine Linux
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Podman can be installed via podman package in the community repository.

# apk add podman

To run podman you'll need to enable the cgroups service, consider enabling cgroups v2.

# rc-update add cgroups

# rc-service cgroups start

You might need to restart your machine for this to work properly.

If you are running on top of Btrfs, consider setting storage driver to btrfs:

$ cat /etc/containers/storage.conf

driver = "btrfs"

For rootless support (replace <USER> with your username):

# modprobe tun # echo tun >>/etc/modules # echo <USER>:100000:65536 >/etc/subuid # echo <USER>:100000:65536 >/etc/subgid

Run an example container to verify everything works:

$ podman run --rm hello-world