From Alpine Linux

Setup Xorg

Use Alpine's setup script:

# setup-xorg-base

Add any additional video drivers necessary:

# apk add xf86-video-ati

Add additional input drivers (if necessary)

# apk add xf86-input-synaptics

Enable Community Repository

Mate is available in the Community repository. Uncomment http://<url>/alpine/<version>/community in /etc/apk/repositories. For example:

Contents of /etc/apk/repositories

# /etc/apk/repositories #/media/sdb/apks #

Install MATE Desktop

Add extra necessary packages

# apk add desktop-file-utils gtk-engines consolekit gtk-murrine-engine caja caja-extensions marco dbus lxdm udev hicolor-icon-theme sudo
# mate_pkgs=$(apk search mate -q | grep -v '\-dev' | grep -v '\-lang' | grep -v '\-doc')
# apk add $mate_pkgs

Create a regular user:

# adduser -h /home/<user> -g "Full User Name" <user>

apk del mate-screensaver ln -s /usr/etc/xdg/menus/ /etc/xdg/menus apk add mate-screensaver

Add all available True Type Fonts:

ttfs=$(apk search -q ttf- | grep -v '\-doc')
apk add $ttfs

If you are running your Alpine from RAM, save the changes:

# lbu ci

Enable services to start on reboot

# rc-update add lxdm

# rc-update add dbus

# rc-update add udev

And finally, let us start the lxdm service and log in to our MATE Desktop

# rc-service dbus start

# rc-service udev start

# rc-service lxdm start


Disabling standby and screensaver

Check the current configuration using xset:

localhost:~$ sudo apk add xset $ xset q ... cut ... Standby: 600 Suspend: 600 Off: 600 DPMS is Enabled Monitor is On

To disable those timers issue the command:

localhost:~$ xset dpms 0 0 0

If you wanna check the timers again:

localhost:~$ xset q ... cut ... Standby: 0 Suspend: 0 Off: 0 DPMS is Enabled Monitor is On localhost:~$