From Alpine Linux
Revision as of 11:37, 23 April 2023 by Bbbhltz (talk | contribs) (→‎Troubleshooting: added to DE category)


Note: Wayland can be used but may be less stable and Gnome may still require Xorg

Installing packages

Install basic desktop system and gnome packages.

# setup-desktop gnome

It will take care of installing the basic packages and setting up the display manager.

If you want, you can install additional GNOME apps for a more complete GNOME experience with:

# apk add gnome-apps-extra

And even all of GNOME games with:

# apk add gnome-games-collection

Enabling terminal apps

If you want to use the gnome-terminal/other terminal applications you will need to install bash. If you want a typical bash setup also enable bash completion:

# apk add bash

# apk add bash-completion

Enabling GNOME Shell screen recording

For the embedded screen recording in GNOME Shell to work, you will need some additional packages:

# apk add pipewire wireplumber gst-plugin-pipewire

Enabling GNOME Software

For GNOME Software to be able to manage APK packages, it needs the apk-polkit-server service working. To enable it and start it up:

# rc-update add apk-polkit-server default && rc-service apk-polkit-server start


If GDM does not start with no logs generated at /var/log/gdm, try setting up udev:

# setup-devd udev

If you are unable to log in, check /var/log/gdm/greeter.log, there may be info there from X that indicates failed modules, etc.

If logging in from GDM kicks you back to the login screen, try

# apk add bash

(bug report: #10953 sorry cannot link yet)

If GNOME Terminal doesn't start, add the following to /etc/locale.conf: LANG=en_US.UTF-8 and reboot.

If the on-screen keyboard shows up in GDM after installing other UIs such as Phosh, you need to disable it by opening the Accessibility menu (top right) when you are in the GDM login screen. You can disable the on-screen keyboard there. Or set org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-keyboard-enabled to false for the gdm user with dconf