Release Notes for Alpine 1.7.27
As usual, download iso images and tarballs for USB from distrib-coffe.
Vserver update
The vsgrsec kernel have been updated to a kernel in 2.6.26 series. There is a bug in util-vserver somewhere that can be walked aroud by installing util-linux.
apk_add util-linux
ogg123 broken
I noticed that ogg123 have been broken for a while. bug is reported upstream but I decided to make a release anyway.
Package changes since 1.7.26
New pacakges: libtheora-1.0_beta3-r1 Upgraded/downgraded packages (from version): acf-alpine-conf-0.3.10 (0.3.9) acf-core-0.4.13 (0.4.11) acf-fetchmail-0.2.4 (0.2.3) acf-ipsec-tools-0.3.12 (0.3.11) acf-tinydns-0.2.12 (0.2.11) alpine-conf-1.8 (1.7.1) apk-tools-0.15.1 (0.15) arp-sk-0.0.16-r1 (0.0.16) busybox-1.12.2 (1.12.1-r4) clamav-0.94.1 (0.94) dansguardian-2.10-r1 ( dropbear-0.51 (0.49) fakeroot-1.9.1 (1.8.1) gnutls-2.4.1-r2 (2.2.5) icecast-2.3.2 (2.3.1-r1) lame-3.98.2 (3.97-r1) libevent-1.4.7 (1.4.4) links-2.2 (2.1) net-snmp- ( obexftp-0.22 (0.21) open-iscsi-2.0.870 (2.0.865.15) rrdtool-1.2.28-r1 (1.2.28) rsyslog-3.21.6 (3.21.5) sox-14.1.0 (14.0.1) sudo-1.6.9_p17 (1.6.9_p16) trac-0.11.2 (0.11.1-r2) vorbis-tools-1.2.0-r2 (1.2.0-r1)